Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5

Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers

Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers

1 . Discuss the love episode of Pyramus and Thisbe.

The Latin poet Ovid related the tragic story of Pyramus and Thisbe in Book IV. Love episode is an important and significant element in this part. The love episode leads to Pyramus and Thisbe towards the tragic end.

Pyramus and Thisbe knew each other well because of dwelling in the same area. Gradually an intimacy between them. Of course, this intimacy helped them make a bond of love. An erotic feeling grew in the minds of both.

They started pondering over the nuptial relation. On the other hand, their parents got to know about the matter and forget them to proceed further. They used to share the feelings of their hearts by whispering through the cracks of the wall. One day they decided to meet under a mulberry tree in front of Ninus’ tomb outside the city.

Thisbe had arrived early before Pyramus. Suddenly she saw a lion coming towards her. She cast her veil at the line and ran away from the place in fear. The lioness came there took the veil and tore it into pieces. Pyramus some moments later appeared there and saw the tattered veil of his lady love. He thought that his lady-love was devoured. In that perplexed state, he killed himself with his sword.


Returning after some moments Thisbe watched that her lover was dead. Without thinking she stabbed herself cruelly with the same sword. This tragic incident took place beneath a mulberry tree and its root sucked their blood. As a result, on the branches of the mulberry tree, the dark red coloured fruits started to grow. Their parents buried their ashes in a single urn.


In the conclusion, it may be said that the love episode of Pyramus and Thisbe is very pathetic. Fortune frowned upon them in such a way that the love episode was turned into a tragic one.


2. Do you find any connection of the title metamorphosis with the story of Pyramus and Thisbe?

Ovid has selected the title of his book Metamorphosis based on the theme, plot, and motif. here in the story of Pyramus and Thisbe, the flavour of the title has been reviewed within the shortest span. Based on the plot Ovid has been able to show the title. Metamorphosis means transformation. The transformative aspect of the plot or theme or motif is the pivot of the title.

The transformative aspect is also found in the story of Pyramus and Thisbe. Indeed this transformation is connected with the colours of the fruits of a mulberry tree. The roots of the mulberry tree have sucked the blood of Pyramus and Thisbe. The tree not only sucks the blood but also it brings forth the dark red coloured fruits.


In the conclusion, it can be fairly said that as a transformation occurs in the changing colour of the fruits of the mulberry tree, there is a connection of title with the story of Pyramus and Thisbe.


3. Do you think that was the lioness responsible for destroying the lives of Pyramus and Thisbe?


The role of literature is like the role of God. just like, a man of letters creates a character in his literature according to his wish and will, similarly it is God who creates a man on earth deciding everything for him. So roughly speaking,


 “God creates man on earth,

  Writer creates characters in literature.”


According to Ovid, in the path of the marriage of Pyramus and Thisbe, an obstruction and opposition were created. The parents were at the root of this obstruction. Despite the opposition, they kept up the amatory relation. So an internal conflict germinated in their lives over the nuptial matter. They kept on communicating between them through whispering speeches.

They decided to meet in front of the Ninus’ tomb. Accordingly, Thisbe reached their first. Seeing a lioness, she ran away from there. She had cost are well at the lioness which the lioness tore into two pieces. Pyramus, coming there, saw the pieces of veil of his lady love. He thought that Thisbe was devoured. Being utterly surprised, he killed himself with his sword. After sometime. Thisbe came back, eyed the event, and also slew herself with the same sword.



Ovid has presented the imagery of the lioness in this story for the sake of happening this tragic event. The lioness has changed their wheel of fate completely. This ferocious animal acted as a device to destroy their lives.


So, we can say that it was the lioness who was completely responsible for destroying the lives of Pyramus and Thisbe.



Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5 Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5  Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5  Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5 Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5 Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5  Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5  Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5  Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5 Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5  Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5  Pyramus and Thisbe Questions and Answers Marks 5

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