Metamorphoses Book 3 Summary
Ovid’s Life and Literary Works
The original name of Ovid was Publius Ovidius Naso. He was popular as a great Latin poet. In Latin literature, his is a name to be reckoned with.
He was born in the year 43 B.C. in Sulmo that was located about ninety miles east of Rome. He was the son of an ambitious and aspirant father, who was ever conscious of the future of his own son. He possibly brought him to Rome to pursue a career of public office. There he came across a lot of teachers of Rhetoric. In lieu of political or public career, he had very much interest in the poetic derivation. Being a possessor of the god-gifted talent, he was able to create the poetic language spontaneously. By credit, talent and sincerity, he honed the poetic literature to be a leading light in the world of Latin poetry.
Ovid was a contemporary poet of Virgil and Horace. In fact, three poets, Virgil, Horace and Ovid were found in a same series. As a poet, he started his poetic career at the time of the reign of Augustus. He was a popular poet in the literary world.
Whatever, not giving importance to the wishes of his father, Ovid himself selected his career as he was completely absorbed in the deep thoughts of poetry.
He married three times in his life and was legally divorced twice. He had one daughter, belonging to the last wife.
As a poet, Ovid’s poetic career can be divided into three groups, that are, erotic poems, mythological poems and poems from exile. Besides, he was a poet of forty-nine short poems. Most of those poems of that category eulogised the charm of the poet’s mistress, Corinna. His love-poems included Amores Epistulate Heroidum and Ars Amatoria.
Metamorphoses and The Fasti were under the parasol of the mythological poems. Tristia was the ancillary of the poems from exile. That big poem comprises five books of short poems bearing the despair and frustration of the poet.
After a long, luminous literary career, Ovid, the poet, breathed his last in 18 A.D.
1. An Introduction
Metamorphoses was a superb creation at the hands of Ovid. This book was originally written in the Latin language based on the mythological stories. In fact, the entity of the original text was found in the poetic form. It is a long narrative poem of 12,000 lines. The poet had also shown the use of hexameter in each line of the original poem. The total text comprises 15 books.
Here, in this present book, various episodes had been recounted in the poetic form. In the hub of every episode, there is a sweet flavour of a story. In a word, Ovid, as a florist, has wreathed a colourful wreath of tale with aromatic colourful flowers of various episodes.
But in this translating text, instead of the poetic lines, the translator had placed the stories in the prosaic form. The meaning of the word Metamorphoses is transformation. Here, in this book, various aspects of transformations have been expounded by Ovid. Of course, in the thread of transformation, there are different kinds of knots (SIT) like confrontations, conflicts and combats, which have directly been involved within various characters. In the main, the changing aspects ſlike ocyrhoe changed into horse, aglauros changed into marble, lydian sailors transformed by Bacchus, Narcissus’ transformation and many more) are the sum and substance (99 07931) of the very book.
2. A Note on Translation
It is a specimen of Indo-English literature that basically deals with the translating literature. It is true that Ovid originally composed this book in the Latin language. Subsequently, a considerable number of translators rendered it into English. Mary M. Innes is one of them. She, as a translator, has translated the original book of Latin into English in the prosaic form.
Based on the original poetic lines, she has made paraphrases. Of course, she has mixed her own thoughts with the thoughts of the poet at the time of making various paraphrases. It is technically called a free translation.
Indeed, one may grasp the thematic aspects of Metamorphoses by Ovid after reading this translating text carefully and sincerely.
3. An Analytical Standpoint of Metamorphoses (Book III)
In Book III of Metamorphoses, Ovid has presented manifold interesting tales beautifully. In total, there are eight stories. According to the Greek mythology, he has made different stories.
Cadmus, through various struggles, had set up a new city. He became an inmate of that city. He married there. Gradually, he and his descendants changed the place. It became possible on behalf of him for the sake of the oracle of Apollo. As a matter of fact, every episode was involved with the descendants of Cadmus.
Besides, Juno’s naughtiness and jealousy are highlighted here. Narcissus’ stupidity has been given importance. Pentheus’s obduracy led him to destruction. At last, the new ride of Bacchus started first and foremost by Acoetes. With utter eagerness, the Theban women celebrated the new rites.
A Table of Mythical Characters
Cadmus : In Greek mythology, Cadmus was a son of Agenor, a king of Phoenicia or Tyre. He was the founder of a city. The name of this city was Thebes or Boeotia. He had a sister. The name of his sister was Europa. He was also the introducer of the alphabets in Greece. He had killed a dragon. It guarded the fountain. He sowed the teeth of dragon after killing this. After a few days, some armed men came out from there to slay him. He flung a precious stone at them. Over this stone, they started to struggle and died at last. The fifth one survived and aided him to build a new city.
Agenor : Agenor was the son of Poseidon. He had a brother, a named Belus, who was the twin. He had become a king of Tyre. Cadmus (son), Europa (daughter) and Phoenix (son) were his descendants.
Actaeon : Actaeon was the grandson of Cadmus. He was the son of Aristaeus and Autonoe. He was the best hunter. He once had seen Diana to bathe. As a result, he was then punished by Diana, goddess of hunting and wood-lands. The goddess Diana had changed him into a stag and he was torn to pieces by his own hounds.
Diana : Diana was a name of the goddess. She was actually the goddess of hunting and woodlands. Many have addressed her as a moon-goddess. She was a chaste woman. She was even worshipped by men.
Jupiter : Jupiter is also called Jove, according to the Roman mythology. In Greek mythology, he is Zeus. He is a lord of heaven. He is a bringer of light. White is the favourite colour of him, but it is sacred too.
Juno: Juno is also called Hera according to the Greek mythology. She was the wife and sister of Jupiter. She was the queen of heaven. She was a jealous woman. She had arranged to destroy Semele by her tricks.
Semele: In Greek mythology, Semele is the daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia. By Zeus, she was the mother of Bacchus. She had been slained by lightning
Narcissus : Narcissus was the boy of Cephius and Liriope. He was fallen in love with Echo. He had seen his own reflection on the calm and clear water of the pool. He then jumped into the pool and died. The god had turned him into a flower. a
Bacchus : Bacchus was the son of Semele and Zeus. The another name of Bacchus is Dionysus. When he was in the womb of Semele, she was killed by lightning. Jupiter (Zeus) had rescued him. He was brought up by Nysa. He is the god of wine and ecstasy.
Echo : Echo was a garrulous woman. She was punished by the goddess Hera for the sake of her negligence. She was deprived of speech. She fell in love with Narcissus. She could not show him her face because of the burning.
Synopsis of Book III
Cadmus was the son of the king of ‘Tyre, Agenor. The king had lost his daughter named Europa. He advised his son to find out his sister. He heard the speech of his father. He, instead of it, had undertook a pilgrimage. From that pilgrimage, he had an oracle by Apollo.According to his advice, he had gone to a pasture. He met there a heifer. She a was his pathfinder. She had taken him to a verdant field. He had a few attendants. In the field, the heifer stopped for a while. He welcomed the field warmly. He decided to perform a sacrifice for Apollo. He advised his attendants to look for a fresh fountain.
In the heart of the forest, there was a cave. They entered there for water. They saw a huge serpent there. Hearing the sound of water, it started to hiss. They all had noticed it. Some persons had taken the weapons to kill such an animal. Again, a few persons tried to save themselves from this animal. Some tried to flee from there. But all died there for the sake of the venomous breath of the horrible snake.
Cadmus himself then had entered there. He went there because his companions had not returned. He saw the blood-stains inside the cave. He lost temper. He had also taken the arms. He had been struggling with it for a few hours. Ultimately, Cadmus became a winner by killing it.
After killing the snake, he sowed his sharp teeth in the ground. He had done so because of the advice of Apollo. Some days later, some monsters came out. They also fought with Cadmus. At last, one of the survivors helped him to build the city of Thebes. He also started to live there. He married and procreated. Thus, he had increased his clump of descendants. Naturally, this place was enclosed with a fine atmosphere.
Actaeon was the grandson of Cadmus. He was a hunter also. He had an expertise in the matter of hunting. One day, after hunting, he went to a nearby forest accompanied by his companions. He saw a cave in the heart of the forest. He entered there and saw Diana bathing. Diana also hunted on that very day. She was exhausted. So, she had to wash her body. She had a few nymphs with her. She was a chaste woman.
She threw some water at him to turn him into a stag after seeing him. He was ultimately turned into a stag. He was very much annoyed by his hands that were torn into pieces. In this way, she took the revenge.
Juno was the wife of Jupiter. She was angry with Semele, who became pregnant by Zeus. As a queen of heaven, she expressed her right and power before her. She seduced Semele in the disguise of an old woman. Semele listened to her speech. She prayed to the god. The god heard her prayer. Her prayer changed the normal form of nature. She was, of course, very much affected by this disaster. Under these circumstances, Jupiter rescued her unborn child from her womb. He placed the child in his thigh. After the birth of Bacchus, Ino had taken his onus to rear him. She also died. Then, Bacchus was brought up by Nysa.
Over the pleasure of love, Jupiter and Juno started to bandy words between them. Juno wanted the judgement of Tiresias. Tiresias explained it clearly and candidly through the story of two huge snakes. Rather, he replied that the greatest pleasure of love generally came from women. Hearing that Juno made him blind, he had thereafter the gift of prophecy from Jupiter.
Cephius was the god of river. He once made an amatory relation with Liriope, who later gave birth to a beautiful boy named Narcissus. Everyone had an attractive glance at him. One day, he was acquainted with a talkative nymph. The name of the nymph was Echo. Juno liked her for her garrulity. She advised her (Echo) to detain Jupiter by means of her speeches. She was deprived of speech. Juno punished her. Echo saw Narcissus in the countryside. She fell in love with him. She pursued him and arrived in front of the fire, which had scorched her. The sudden accident forbade her to go to Narcissus. He only heard her voice. Narcissus also strove to meet her, but failed. The anxious feelings of Narcissus changed Echo, who bit by bit, began to lose her beauty. Her voice remained ultimately.
Losing himself in the world of love, Narcissus was absorbed in the thought of Echo. He prayed to the god. However, on the way to return from the hunt, he turned upon the bank of a clear pool. He had no take rest there. He was very thirsty. He went there only for a drop of water. At the time of drinking water, he noticed his own reflection on the calm and clear water of the pool. He lost himself seeing the charming aqueous scenery. His amorous vision changed his mind. As a result, he came down to the water, to touch these reflective objects. Realizing it as a delusion, he expressed his feeling before the woods. He was then haunted by the thought of Echo. He died there. But his body was transformed into a flower.
Pentheus had shown his arrogant and insolent attitude. He was actually uninterested in performing the new rites of Bacchus. Everyone expounded the matter; but he looked upon this as a casual matter. The seer, Tiresias, forecasted about him, seeing his attitude.
A band of slaves came back. Their master wanted to know about Bacchus. Then, they presented a prisoner before him. As a follower of the god, Acoetes expressed his original identity. He had told them various stories of his life. He was really a theist. He had saved himself from different disasters by means of the blessings of the god. His sailors first and foremost cut a sorry figure about him-seeing his attitude. Subsequently, they had grasped it. They had been changed by the blessing of the god. Acoetes became a worshipper of Bacchus. Pentheus, hearing this, showed his wrathful attitude. Everybody started to blame Pentheus, because he had obstructed again and again in the matter of new rites. At last, he realized it. He was killed by his mother, whom Bacchus made mad. The new ritual rites of Bacchus were started thereon.
Storywise Book III
Story 1 :Finding the Sister by Cadmus Summary
In the disguise of a bull, Jupiter took repose in the fields of Crete. Under these circumstances, he had deceived the princess. In this way, he had expressed his own nature.
On the other hand, the king of Tyre, Agenor had lost his own daughter, whose name was Europa. Naturally, he was anxious about his daughter. At that moment, to free from such anxiety for the time being, he had given Cadmus (his son) the responsibility to look for Europa. Of course, at the time of giving him onus, he had candidly mentioned that he would be able to banish him if he failed in finding her. He had heard carefully the condition of his father.
Accordingly, he had come out in search of her, to quell the wrath of his father. Madly, he wandered over the whole world for her. But first and foremost, he made a pilgrimage to Apollo’s oracle to have a watery concept regarding this subject.
However, he had a proper reply from the god Apollo, who advised him to go to a pasture to come across a heifer. But all his efforts of finding out his sister, Europa, were of no avail. As a result, in accordance with the advice of Apollo, he had gone to a pasture, where he eyed a heifer, which was walking slowly without any guidance. He discerned that the same heifer had no harness. There he abode by the advice of Apollo. He started to follow her. Of course, he did not forget to pray to Phoebus (Apollo) to express his gratitude.
As a matter of fact, this heifer became a guide of Cadmus. As a result, following her, he slowly and silently crossed the shallow pools of Cephisus. Going a little distance, with this heifer, he stopped, though it was happened for the sake of this beast. Stopping thither, she lifted her head with the lofty horns. She also watched her friends. Then, she laid down in the green field.
Seeing the verdant fields, he kissed the soil. He welcomed the holds and the mountains, as he set on there at first. He looked upon himself as a stranger of the place. There, he decided to offer a sacrifice to Jupiter. Hence, he advised his attendants to look for a fresh fountain.
Story 2 : Fighting with a Dragon and Monsters Summary
In accordance with the advice of Cadmus, the attendants had gone to an ancient forest. In that forest, there was no touch of an axe. In the heart of that woodland, there was a cave with a low arch and the rocky walls. There was a place of springs. A dragon dwelt on this cave. This serpent had a wonderful golden crest. Its whole body was covered with the venoms. It was such a gruesome serpent that the fire from its eyes gave out (forsto TUT) continuously. Inside the mouth, there was a triple row of teeth. Its three-forked tongue in the mouth flickered frequently.
The attendants of Cadmus entered there to take the water of this fountain. At the time of dipping their pitchers in the water, the gigantic creature had arrived and raising its hood, it began to hiss horribly. It had all at once tried to attack them. They all noticed it in an uncoiled state. It was really a huge snake. Under these circumstances, a few Phoenician attendants took the arms to encounter the very serpent. The remaining persons tried to flee from there to save themselves; but they all not had the fruitful result. They, on the contrary, had to die with the influence of the poisonous breath of the horrible dragon.
Just at midday, Cadmus was perturbed for his companions, who he had sent to bring the water. Then, he himself entered into the cave to look for them. But no sooner had he entered there than he saw the corpses of his friends. In the same place, he had also eyed the dragon. From the tongue of dragon, the blood was shedding profusely. Of course, with the proper weapons, he turned up there. He, seeing the dead-bodies, started to mourn and side by side, he determined to take revenge.
Be that as it may, lifting a great boulder in his right hand, he had forcibly hurled it at that venomous snake. But the piece of rock failed in attacking that dragon, because it was the possessor of a tough skin and thick scales. Cadmus, at that time, had to use the javelin to strike the animal. Technically, with the javelin, he struck in the middle portion of the body and the whole iron tip pierced its belly. The iron tip stuck in its bone in such a way that it had to feel the unbearable pain. A small quantity of white foam had come out of its venomous jaws. Nevertheless, it struggled with Cadmus, who heart and soul tried to slay this horrible snake. At last, using a spear point as a barrier, he blocked its jaws. Then, he fastened its teeth on the point of the spear. The blood came out profusely from its throat. The green grasses were filled with the red blood. It was really a powerful snake. As a result, the wounds seemed a slight to it. Roughly, it tided it over. Cadmus, as an aggressive man, stuck the iron in its throat, lethally, so that it bit by bit lost its power and died.
He became a winner in this gruesome fight. According to the oracle of Apollo, he had buried the teeth of snake in the ground. From the ground, some days later, some monsters with arms came out. Seeing them, he was startled and mused again that the new enemies had appeared. With arms, they showed their heroism, with him. With strength and stamina, they fought with him. Some young warriors breathed their last there. Five warriors had escaped themselves from that war. One of them, Echion, by the counsel of Pallas, stopped this war, again. They all accepted the proposal. They were ultimately the companions of Cadmus. With the help of their companionship, he built the city of Thebes. Of course, he had become able to perform such an act according to the oracle of Appollo (Phoebus).
However, he realized that it was his exile that had been selected for him by Phoebus. In this place, he had made a matrimonial relation with the daughter of Mars and Venus. Naturally he started to have the new descendants. He even had seen the happy faces of his grand children. Indeed, a felicitous atmosphere loomed over there. a
Story 3 :Actaeon’s Attitude and Insolence Summary
Actaeon was the grandson of Cadmus. In the midst of prosperity, ħe (Actaeon) brought adversity there. He was a hunter. He had a few hounds. He had expertise in the matter of hunting.
In the city of Thebes, there was a mountain. Cadmus and his companions often went to the forest near the mountain to hunt. They hunted different kinds of wild beasts there. As a result, the ground was full of blood-stains of various animals. At mid-day of a hot day, the rays of the sun were not so powerful. He had summoned his companions to roam about the lonely forest. On the way to the forest, he joyfully mentioned the success of hunting. In course of conversation, he also undertook the hunting programme of the next day.
On the other hand, the goddess of the hunting Diana had finished her hunting with her companions in the dense forest. The name of the forest was Gargaphie. It was her favourite and sacred forest. There was a murmuring fountain of clear water.
She was entirely tired. Under these circumstances, she wanted to bathe in this spring. She entered then into a cave. So, she, giving everything (javelin, cloak, quiver, bow, and so on) in the hands of nymphs, was ready to go to bathe. One of the fairies (Crocale, the daughter of Ismenus) put up her hair in a bun, as her tresses scattered on the shoulders. Nephele, Hyale, Rhanis, Psecas and Phiale had kept the water in the jars for the sake of bathing of their mistress.
Just at the time of bathing, Actaeon arrived in this forest. He loitered there, because he had never seen this type of forest before. Then, he saw an arbour leading to a cave. He, of course, entered into the cave. All the nymphs were guarding Diana then. At the same time, they suddenly heard an outcry, which was of the goddess Diana. They, then, enclosed her. She eyed Actaeon near her.
At that moment, she had no bow and arrow in her hands. Instead of it, she cast a handful of water at him. She then transformed him into a stag. Celestially, she provided every organ of a stag including the panic at heart for the sake of changing his form. This had been done, because he had eyed her at the time of bathing without clothes.
Taking this form, he had to flee from there. Going a little distance, he saw his own face and horns in the limpid water. He tried to utter a speech; but failed. He began to groan. Ichnobates and Melampus gave him a tongue to utter a sound. Such being the case, he had to recollect his hounds, which failed in identifying him as their master. However, seeing him, the hounds surrounded him from every side. They attacked him and tore to pieces. On his body, there was found a number of wounds. Many said that it was the wrathful attitude of Diana. Again, a good few opined that she had performed this type of act, because of her strict virginity.
However, Juno, the wife of Jupiter, of course did not comment on this matter. Rather, she was delighted by this incident, since it was happened in the life of the descendant of Agenor, a king of Tyre.
Story 4: Fate of Semele and Birth of Bacchus Summary
Juno (Hera), the wife of Jupiter had expressed her dissatisfactory feelings, when she came to know that Semele was made pregnant by
Zeus (Jupiter). Of course, she showed this type of attitude for Semele. Knowing this incident, she frankly said that she was the sister and wife of Jupiter. She was the queen of heaven. Naturally, she had possession and power. She was really a jealous woman. She planned to destroy her (Semele). Hence, in the disguise of an old woman, she went to Semele to persuade her by saying that she should pray to him (Jupiter] for his visit in the splendor of a god. As an expectant mother, she, with rapt attention, started to pray to him.
The supreme guide tried to stop her prayer; but it reached the main place. With the influence of her prayer, the form of nature changed lethally. In the heart of nature, dense mists, stormy clouds, violent wind, thunder-clap, and lightning appeared all on a sudden. None could escape themselves from this type of natural calamity. Naturally, Semele was tremendously affected by this disaster. She could not tolerate such a type of calamity. At last, she was burned to ashes by lightning.
Miraculously, he (Jupiter) rescued his unborn child from this sudden accident and placed him in his thigh till a particular time. After the birth, Ino took the responsibility of Bacchus to bring him up. Actually, Ino was the sister of Semele. Hera (Juno) made her (Ino) mad. At last, she leaped into the sea with her son Melicertes. Ino was transformed into a sea-goddess. But Bacchus (Dionysus) was handed over to the nymph of Mount Nysa. She kept him in the cave and reared him up.
Story 5 :Opinion of Tiresias and its Sequel Summary
Hera was called in question (316979 PS) over the birth of Bacchus. Of course, Jupiter had kept this topic as a top secret. But she had kept up (7157737 731) jest and joke with Juno, who also wanted his leisure ever and anon (E). So, Jupiter said, “of course, you women get far more pleasure out of love than men do.”
Hearing it, she wanted to take the proper opinion of the wise Tiresias, because according to her, he had a crystal concept of love about a man and a woman. To deal with the subject, he once arrived before Jupiter and Juno. In course of conversation, he told them a story of two big snakes, which were engaged in coupling in the depths of the green woods. At that time, he also turned up there and killed one of them with a stick. Then, he was changed into a woman for seven years. Later, the similar thing happened again. In the eighth year, she was changed back into a man.
They indeed listened to this tale. He then clearly answered that the greatest pleasure of love derives from women, though Tiresias had known this from his experience. Juno (Hera) heard this and made him blind. On the other hand, Zeus gave him the gift of unerring prophecy.
Story 6 :The Story of Narcissus and Echo Summary
In Boeotia, there was a river. The name of the river was Cephius. Cephius was actually the god of river. With his curving streams, he once embraced a nymph, named Liriope. Detaining her in his waves, he had forcefully ravished her.
Subsequently, she gave birth to a child. Of course, it was a male child. The name of the child was Narcissus. He was really the possessor of a charming beauty. As a result, many a lad and lass had fallen in love with him frequently.
One day at the time of taking a timid deer into his nets, he was acquainted with a talkative nymph. She could not stay silent. The name of the nymph was Echo.
Juno (Hera) had given her onus to spy on the amours of Zeus with other nymphs, as she had a power of detaining him by dint of the endless speech. Echo had But she was deprived of speech without repeating the last words of her interlocutor. Because Juno had punished her.
On the other hand, seeing Narcissus in the solitary countryside, Echo fell in love with him. In secret, she tried to pursue him. When she reached near him, she found the fire, that scorched her. Nonetheless, she tried to approach him; but this sudden incident had obstructed her. With the help of the voice, she would like to hear her speech. >
The boy was once deprived of his faithful band of comrades. He, out and out being a solitary man, asked if anybody was there. Echo replied that she was there. Narcissus was utterly astonished not seeing her in any place. He only heard her voice. However, she retained her love for him at heart. But she did not arrive physically herself before him. Rather, she concealed herself in the forest. She kept her face in the foliage. She had to live in the lonely caves.
The anxious feelings of Narcissus overburdened her. She gradually lost her freshness of youthful beauty. Her skin had become like an old woman. She lost everything without her bones and her voice.
Her bones turned into stone. Her voice remained ultimately. Narcissus last himself in the tide of love for Echo. He ever recollected his love affair with her. He prayed to the god for his love. Nemesis heard this and approved his prayer.
However, Narcissus came out one day to hunt. He was tired. He had to take rest then beside a clear pool. There was no disturbance. It was a peaceful place. The place was flooded with the solar rays. The water of this pond was shining brilliantly. Naturally, he was attracted by the beautiful spot. He was very thirsty. To quench his thirst, he came near the same pool. While drinking water therefrom, he noticed his own reflection in the limpid water of this pool. Actually, he was totally spell-bound, seeing the attractive reflection there.
Really, he had entered himself in a dream-land, because he had fallen in love with those reflective objects that he eyed there. Actually, he forgot that it was his own reflection. He wanted to kiss those reflective objects and plunged into the water. He could not touch those objects, that he had eyed in the form of reflection. He realised that it was really a delusion. He then reached near the woods. He expressed his amors. His love compelled him to perform such a type of stupid act.
However, he started to lose his fair complexion, youthful strength and beauty gradually. The nymph Echo had watched everything and recollected her own behavior. He sighed then. Echo hear only him make the sound of her mourning. He was of course on the point of death. After his death, his sisters, the nymph of spring lamented. Clipping their hairs, they paid homage to their brother. The wood-nymphs shed their tears for him. Echo also sang an elegiacal song with refrain. They arranged everything for the corpse. fate that he was turned into a flower that borne his name.
Story 7 :Scorned a Prophet by Pentheus Summary
Pentheus was the son of Echion and Agave. He was an insolent person. He looked down upon the prophets of gods. He did not hesitate to mock at (591517 ail) the men, who had lost their eye-sights. Tiresias, as a seer, predicted about him. He stated him about the arrival of Bacchus. People with utter eagerness streamed out to celebrate the new rites.
Pentheus was indifferent to the new rites. He tried to obstruct these rites. His grandfather and others cautioned him in this matter. But he did not give importance to their warnings. However, he tried to exclude Bacchus from Thebes. His insistence and obduracy in this matter came to give him much warnings. He tried to make various devices to thwart such rites of Bacchus.
Story 8 :The Story of Acoetes and Death of Pentheus Summary
Under these circumstances, a band of slaves returned. Their master wanted to know about Bacchus. They clearly told their master that they had a person, who was a prisoner. He was, in fact, the follower of the god. Pentheus angrily looked at him and wanted to know his identity from him. He also wanted to know from him the cause of celebrating the rites of the new cult. He answered that he was born in Lydia. His name was Acoetes. He came of a humble family. He had much experience in the matter of catching fish. Fishing experience was his wealth. He wanted to change his profession. He wished to be a driver of a ship. Concerning this matter, he had a light knowledge. He and his companions were travelling in a boat. When the boat was near the beach, he, coming down from the boat with his companions, landed on the moist land, where they spent the night.
Next day, at dawn, they got up. Accompanied by his companions, he went to a spring for a drop of water. Then, climbing up a hill, he volt a gentle breeze. He summoned at that time his friends there. They then decided to come back to their ship. At the same time, he noticed a drowsy boy with his gesture and posture. In the eyes of his, it seemed that he was different from the mortal body. Realizing it, he expressed that there was existence of god in the body of a boy.
However, they roughly discussed virtue and vice. He mentioned the incident of his life by saying that Lycabas was the boldest man of the gang of the rover. He tortured him cruelly. Some bad-minded persons admired him (Lycabas). Lycabas was exiled from Lydia for a murderous case. He escaped from this incident for the sake of blessing of Bacchus.
He wanted to know from the mariners how he had come there. Proreus was a sailor, who soothed him. He advised them to take him to Naxos. He looked upon that Naxos was a place of Bacchus. So, he decided to go there with his companions. In fact, they all blamed him. They did not hesitate to abuse him. Then, keeping Naxos behind, he wandered aimlessly in different directions. Naturally, he was puzzled. Seeing him, they started to joke. He at heart uttered the name of the god. At that time, the ship was stopped. They tried to row. But all their efforts were of no avail.
At last, Bacchus arrived there. He showed his own incarnation. He, (Bacchus) then, changed all the sailors. He also changed Acoetes who became a worshipper of Bacchus.
Pentheus heard the story.Acoetes and his mariners were detained in a prison. All kinds of arms were arranged to kill them. But the doors of the prison-house were opened. At that time, he (Pentheus) fell in a trap. He had gone to Cithaeron and watched the ritual atmosphere.
Pentheus grasped everything. He was also seeing this ritual atmosphere. All the inhabitants of this city were angry with Pentheus for such a type of behavior. The crowd had madly rushed upon him. However, he was, at last, killed by his mother Agave, in a frenzy state. There, with pomp and grandeur, the Theban women started to celebrate the new rites.
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