Once a farmer’s son named Jon expressed his desire to be a sailor to his mother. The boy’s mother asked him not to go to the seas as he knew nothing of the sailing. The boy was very sad but listened to his mother’s advice and went about his farmwork. Oneday while ploughing the land the boy was about to cut a mudcovered turtle. He soon plucked it and put it on the safe place of his head. Upon finishing his work when he plucked it from his head he noticed surprisingly that the turtle turned into a green fairy man.
The fairy man understood his desire and out of gratitude gave him a magic cap. It could bring in wind according to his wish to propel the ship in the right direction. The fairy only gave one condition. It was that no human hand would take it off his head. So the boy fell in trouble as he could neither take it off before his captain nor at bedtime. But it was also good as it could not be stolen. The boy told his mother about it but she did not agree with it . But the boy did not heed to her cautions. He put on the cap, went to the sea, requested one captain and started voyaging.
He was considered very precious by the captain as with the help of the cap the boy could bring in the east with and south wind according to his wish. For a year and a day he was on the ship. So he wanted to come to the land. But his captain did not give him the permission. One afternoon the boy fell asleep and started dreaming. In his dream the boy saw the season farming rapidly.
Jon, accordingly, turned in his bed. At this the cap on his head twisted bringing in a strong wind from the clear sky. As the ship was in danger the captain detected his fault. He tried to rip the cap off his head in vain. Then he threw him into the sea. As Jon went under the waves, the cap came off his head. Soon the storm stopped and boy swam ashore. The cap followed him. When the boy reached the land, he picked up the cap and went running to his mother and farm. During winter he once again dreamt of going to the sea.
So he went to the farm, placed the wind cap under a stone where he knew the fairy man would find it. Then he left for the sea again. For the rest of his life he spent half the year on ship and half on the shore. At last he owned his own boat and a hundred acre farm land. Since he was comfortable both on the water and land he came to be known as captain Turtle.
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