The Place of Art in Education Questions and Answers
1.What according to Nandalal Bose, is the object of education ?
Ans. According to Nandalal Bose, the object of education is total development .
2.How will the time of ‘Art festival’ in a school be decided?
Ans. The Time of ‘Art Festival’ will be decided according to the location of the school.
3.What, according to Nandalal Bose, has our country’s economic decline followed closely?
Ans. According to Nandalal Bose our country’s economic decline has closely followed the decay of its functional arts.
4.What is the utility of language?
Ans. Language is the vehicle of literature, science and philosophy.
5.On grounds of utility what do the educated of (elegant) earthen pitchers ?
Ans. On grounds of utility, the educated persons use tin containers in place of elegant earthen pitchers.
6 Who cannot differentiate between a painting and a photograph?
Ans. The educated persons cannot differentiate between a painting and a photograph.
7 .What are the two aspects education ?
Ans. The two aspects of art education are the fine arts and the functional arts.
8 .How do educated men advertise their devotion to art?
Ans. The educated men advertise their art by showing framed pin-ups side by side with good paintings.
9. How does the absence of a sense of devotion to beauty harm a man?
Ans. The absence of a sense of beauty harms a man’s physical and mental well-being.
10 Where do the roots of art education lie?
Ans. The roots of art education lie in the observation of nature and good works of arts.
11.Who is the writer of the essay ‘The Place of Art in Education’?
Ans. The writer of the essay ‘The Place of Art in Education’ is Nandalal Bose. (‘The Place of Art in Education’
12 Where has the essay ‘The Place of Art in Education’ been taken from ?
Ans. The essay ‘The Place of Art in Education has been taken from the English translation of Nandalal Bose’s work ‘Drishti and Shrishti’ (‘The Place of Art in
13.How has man designed to get knowledge or search inner delight?
Ans. Man has designed to get knowledge or search Inner delight through language.
14 .What is language the vehicle for?
Ans. Language is the vehicle for literature, science and philosophy)
15 .What does literature provide man?
Ans. Literature provides man inner delight.
16.How does man perceive the world?
Ans. Man perceives the world with his mind .
17.What does education in arts enhance?
Ans. Education in arts enhances man’s knowledge and aesthetic experience.
18 .How does education in arts train man?
Ans. Education in arts trains man in various modes of expression.
19 Which status does the author call for in art education?
Ans. The author calls for the same status and importance in art training as reading and writing.
20 What arrangement do the universities make in art training?
Ans. The universities do not make enough arrangement in art education.
21 What is the general belief about art education in our country?
Ans. The general belief about art education in our country is that art is the total confinement of a few professionals and the commoners do not have any role in it.
22 Can the commoners differentiate between the painting and photograph?
Ans. The commoners can not differentiate between a painting and a photograph
23 What do the common people use instead of elegant earthen pitcher?
Ans. The commoners use tin containers elegant instead of earthen pitchers.
24 Who are responsible for the lack of art educa tion among the common people?
Ans. The educated people and the universities are responsible for the lack of art education among the common people.
25 What remedy does the author suggest to spread the sense of beauty?
Ans. The author suggests that art-education should be provided to the so-called educated as they set the standards for the people at large
26 How does the absence of sense of beauty harm a man?
Ans. According to the essayist, the absence of the sense of beauty not only tells upon a man’s aesthetic experience but also harms his physical and mental well-being.
How do people having lack of sense of beauty harm the community?
Ans. The people having lack sense of beauty scatter rubbish in their houses and courtyards. They keep themselves and the surroundings filthy, spit betel juice here and there. In this way, they harm themselves as well as the community.
28 Who banish art from our life? Why?
Ans. There are some amongst us banish art from our life. They think that art is exclusively for the rich and the pleasure-loving. So, they banish art from our life.
29 Where is the vitality of a work of art?
Ans. The vitality of a work of art is in its sense of beauty and order, not in its money value.
30 How does the author present a poor Santhal’s sense of beauty?
Ans. The essayist superbly presents that a poor Santhal sweeps and mops his hut and put his earthen pots and tattered quilts orderly.
31 How does a college student put his belongings in his room?
Ans. A college student puts his belongings disordered mess though he has enough space in his room.
32 What is an essential part of a poor Santhal?
Ans. The essential part of a poor Santhal’s life is the sense of beauty.
33 What does the essayist see in the hostel rooms ?
Ans. The essayist sees shirts hanging from picture frames, tea-cups and combs scattering on the study table, paper flowers stuck into used cocoa tins.
34 What kind of dresses did people use to wear?
Ans. People used to wear the open-breasted jacket with the dhoti, high – heeled shoes with saree.
35 What are the two aspects to the practice of literature?
Ans. There are two aspects to the practice of literature. One aspect of literature is associated with the cultivation of knowledge while the other helps to get professional returns.
36 What are two sides of ‘art’ depicted in the text?
Ans. The two sides of ‘art’ as depicted in the text are Fine Art and Functional Art.
37 What does Fine Art provide us ?
Ans. Fine Art frees our mind from the sorrows and conflicts of our daily lives and heightens us into the realm of aesthetic delight.
38 What does functional art provide us?
Ans. Functional art appends beauty to the objects of our daily use and provides us with means of livelihood.
39 .What, according to Nandalal Bose, has our country’s economic decline followed closely?
Ans. According to Nandalal Bose, our country’s economic decline has followed closely to the decay of is functional arts.
40 .What has the lack of art education brought to us?
Ans. The lack of art education has deprived us the present course of our lives of beauty and separeted us from our past heritage.
41 .What is shameful for us on art?
Ans. The essayist points out that it is shameful for us though having immense glory of our past painting, sculpture, architecture, our present day these art forms do not gain any acclaim in our country unless and until they are recognized in the foreign market.
42.What should every school and universities make compulsory?
Ans. Every school and universities should make compulsory for art studies with other studies.
43 What will training in drawing develop pupils?
Ans. According to Nandalal Bose, the essayist, training in drawing will develop pupils power of observation and provide them better insight into literature, philosophy and science.
44 Where should good specimen of fine art and functional art be hanged in?
Ans. Good specimen of art should be hanged in the class-rooms, libraries, studies and living rooms of the students.
45 Whom should be engaged to write readable books on art?
Ans. Well-qualified and learned personalities should be engaged to write readable books on art.
46 What arrangement should be made for students to introduce examples of art?
Ans. Arrangement of selected examples of Indian and foreign films should be made for students to introduce examples of excellent art.
47 Who should accompany students to museums and picture galleries?
Ans. Qualified teachers should accompany students to museums and picture galleries.
48 For what should students visit museums and picture galleries?
Ans. Students should visit museums and picture galleries to be acquainted with nice examples of the art of the pasts that will directly awaken their aesthetic vision and strengthen their powers of discrimination.
49 How should students be acquainted with Nature?
Ans. Students should be acquainted with Nature by arranging seasonal festivals with the exhibition of season’s fruits and flowers.
50 How can the students be familiarized to Nature’s own festival?
Ans. Students should be familiarized to Nature’s own festival by seeing and enjoying the Natural phenomenon with their own eyes as the rice fields, lotus ponds in autumn, the exhibition of palash and shimul flowers in spring.
51 Why did Nandalal Bose stress on students being introduced to Nature?
Nandalal Bose, a famous artist and painter, stressed on students being introduced to nature to develop their aesthetic sensibilities.
52 How can students join in the art festival?
Ans. Students can join in the art festival with something their handmade.
53 What effort should he plan to give the festival a total shape and beauty?
Ans. By arranging music, dances and processions the festival should be given a total shape and beauty.
Long Answer-Type / Descriptive-Type
1 .What example did Nandalal Bose give to support his view that “The vitality of a work of art lies in its sense of beauty and order”.
Ans. Nandalal Bose believed that a work of becomes vital for its sense of beauty and order and example of his for its monetary value. He has set an views by comparing a poor santhal with rich college student. A poor santhal keeps his house clean by mopping an sweeping and stacks the domestic things like pottery and beddings in proper order.
On the other hand college students keep their palatial hostel rooms untidy by hanging shirts from picture frames lettering his study table and putting paper flowers in used cocoa tins. Beauty and order are not vital to them. People also exhibit their lack of dress-sense by putting open-breasted jacket with dhoti or high-heeled shoes with sarees. on ‘
2 According to Nandalal Bose, how are beauty and aesthetics connected to a person’s physical and mental well-being? Explain with an example from the text.
Ans. According to Nandalal Bose absence of the sense of beauty primarily deprives man of aesthetic pleasure. But along with this it also harms one’s physical and mental well-being. As they lack this sense of beauty they make everything around them filthy by littering rubbish. For example, such a man spits betel-juice on their walls, streets and even railway coaches. In this way they contaminate society by spreading diseases and by setting hateful standard for others.
3 .According to Nandalal Bose how does the absence of a sense of beauty affect the society?
Ans. According to Nandalal Bose the absence of a sense of beauty not only deprives man of the aesthetic pleasure but at the same time it also affects the society as well. A man who does not have the sense of beauty litters garbages all around him. They often spit betel juice everywhere. These filthy habits help in the spread of contagious diseases and affect the public health. But apart from these such people set bad standard for others and complicate the problem of social contamination further.
4 .According to Nandalal Bose how can the aesthetic sensibilities of the students be increased?
Ans. Nandalal Bose has suggested a number of ways for enhancing aesthetic sensibilities of the students. Firstly, the students should be exposed to good works of art like painting, sculpture by the display of these in their class rooms, libraries, studies etc. Again, students should be taken to museums, art galleries under the guidance of qualified teachers for seeing the great pieces of work. Finally, the students should be introduced to Nature and its creations like flowers and fruits, beautiful scenes at the turn of seasons through festivals and tours.
5.How does a poor Santhal express his sense of beauty and order in his daily life?
Ans. According to Nandalal Bose the vitality of a work of art lies in the sense of beauty and order. These senses are not the exclusive reserve of rich and educated people. To prove his point he has made a comparative study of attitudes and practices, carried out respectively by an educated college student and a poor Santhal. A college student keeps everything in a mess in his palatial hostel while a poor Santhal expresses his sense of beauty and order in his daily life. He sweeps and mops his hut. He stacks his earthen pots and tattered quilts in order. In this way a santhal expresses his sense of beauty and order which comprises his essential part of life.
6.How does functional art help us? What do you mean by professional return?
Ans. Functional art is a genre of art form that provides utilitarian purpose. It is undoubtedly inclusive. It infuses these aesthetic values and ideals into materialistic purposes. The essayist finely deals with the money value of functional art. Like the two forms of literature -one for acquiring knowledge and aesthetic pleasure and the other for professional returns, there are two sides of art too. Fine art gives us aesthetic delight and functional art with its magic touch serves beauty of our daily use and helps us obtaining by means of livelihood. The essayist points out that the decay of functional art has
resulted from economic decline which is harmful to our economic wellness.
7 What is the difference between fine art and functional art?
Ans. Fine art frees our mind from the sorrow and conflicts that we face in our daily lives. It elevates our mind into the level of aesthetic experience by which we forget about our mundane experience at least for the time being. Functional art, on the other hand, brings beauty into the objects that we use daily with its magic touch. It makes our life beautiful. Apart from this functional art provides livelihood for those who adopt it as profession. Functional art is directly related to the economic condition of the country while the link of fine art with the economic condition is not so direct.
8 ‘Education in arts heightens man’s knowledge and aesthetic experience. Who says this and when? How can Education in arts hightens man’s knowledge and aesthetic experience ? [ 2 + 3 = 5] =
Ans. Nandalal Bose says this in Art in Education.’ it enkindles his remarkable essay
‘The Place of Education in art is absolutely essential as Iman’s knowledge. In this way, he can enjoy aesthetic sense of beauty. Education can train him in different modes of expression. It is to be remembered that education in art, music and dance cannot be obtained through the means of reading and writing.
9 Allah The Arain is total ‘If the objective of our education development, art training should have the same status and importance as reading and writing’. -Discuss.
Ans. The aim ofoureducationisall-round development. Language and literature with their limited scope enhance knowledge and inner delight. But education in art heightens man’s knowledge and aesthetic senses. It has a number of modes of expression to train him. In todays materialistic and greedy world education in art can help to refine man’s mental progress and take him into the world of wellness. It is the expression of beauty within. Art education helps man to justify everything in a proper manner. Therefore, art education should be provided the same status as reading and writing for all-round development of an individual.
10 .The general notion that art is the exclusive preserve of a few professionals and common people have nothing to do with it.’-Discuss the remark.
Ans. The essayist Nandalal Bose opines that our education is incomplete without proper emphasis in art-training. We have a wrong notion that art is exclusively for a few professional and well-established personalities. So, common people have no active part in it. It is unfortunate that the schools and universities are irresponsible for proper arrangements of art education
11 .Who are responsible for the decay of aesthetic sensibilities?
Ans. It is a common occurence that in our country the educated are unaware of the art. So, they are unable to diferentiate between a painting and a photograph. A Japanese doll is a wonderful piece of artistic creation. The entire responsibilities will be given to the universities and the educated people for designing the wrong educational system excluding art-education in their curriculum.
Though the cultural life of our country has developed, the artistic sensibilities have awfully decaying. That is why awareness of art-education will have to be spread among the so-called educated because they design our education system.
12 ‘The absence of a sense of beauty not only cheats man of aesthetic experience, but it also harms his physical and mental well-being.’— Who made this remark and where? What is the significances of the line? [2 + 3 = 5]
Ans. Nandalal Bose, One of the modern Indian renowned artists, made this remark in his essay ‘The Place of Art in Education.’
People having no sense of beauty suffer from aesthetic-sensibilities. They also harm their physical and mental health. Such people contaminate the society. They litter rubbish, keep themselves and their surroundings filthy, spit betel-juice here and their. Thus, they befoul society with diseases.
13 How does Nandalal Bose present before us that the vitality of a work of art lies in its sense of beauty and order and not in its money value?
Ans. Nandalal Bose, a renowned painter, points out that the vitality of a work of art lies in its sense of beauty and order, and not in its monetary value. He strongly opposes that art is exclusively meant for rich and affluent and poor people have nothing to do with it.
An educated college student keeps his clothes in improper way and he scatters his belongings in a mess inspite of having enough spacious room to live in. It is an incorrect idea. A poor Santhal sweeps and mops his hut, stacks in order his earthen pots and tattered quilts. It is due to his sense of beauty and orderliness. It has been an integral part of his day to day life.
On the contrary, a rich man though refined and so-called educated, may lead a lifeless and superficial life for his lack of aesthetic sensibilities. The essayist has pointed out about the hostel rooms with shirts hanging from picture frames, tea-cups and combs littering the study table and paper-flowers stuck in cocoa tins. The rich people show their disproportion and lack of taste in wearing dress. In this way, the essayist tries to establish his point of view.
14 What is fine art? -Discuss.
Ans. The essayist says that there are two sides of literature One is related to the cultivation of knowledge and aesthetic delight and the other is concerned with professional return. Fine art refers to an art form implemented chiefly for its aesthetic beauty. It develops sense of aesthetic beauty exercising the cultivation of knowledge. It also arouses inner creativity. Fine art frees one’s mind from the sorrows and sufferings, conflicts and constraints of daily life. In this way, fine art helps to enrich one’s sense of beauty.
The Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and Answers
The Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and Answers
The Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and AnswersThe Place of Art in Education Questions and Answers