Comedy of Errors Questions and Answers
Who was Aegeon? How did he arrive at Ephesus ? What happened when he was brought before the Duke ? [1 + 2 + 2 = 5]
Who was Aegeon? How did he arrive at Ephesus? What made the Duke pity on Aegeon ? [1 + 1 + 3 = 5]
Ans. Aegeon was an old merchant of Syracuse. He was returning home along with his wife, twin sons and twin slaves from Epidamnum in a ship. Suddenly, they faced a violent storm. Aegeon, alongside his son younger Antipholus and younger slave Dromio, was isolated from his wife and elder son. After spending seven years, a frantic desire grew in his heart to find his lost wife and both sons. In the course of his searching, • he incidentally landed at Ephesus. Far and After being spotted in Ephesus, Aegeon was brought before the duke. There he learnt that the law of Ephesus stated that he would be put to death unless he paid a thousand mark as ransom of his life. After hearing his tale the duke felt pity for him.
2 .What made Aegeon land at Ephesus? What danger did he face there? [3 + 2 = 5]
Ans. Aegeon, an old merchant of Syracuse, was returning home along with his wife, twin sons and twin slaves from Epidamnum in a ship. Suddenly, they faced a violent storm. Aegeon, alongside his son younger Antipholus and younger slave Dromio, was isolated from his wife and elder son. After spending seven years, a frantic desire grew in his heart to find his lost wife and both sons. In the course of his searching, he incidentally landed at Ephesus.
After being spotted in Ephesus, Aegeon was brought before the Duke. There he learnt that the law of Ephesus stated that he would be put to death unless he paid a thousand marks as ransom of his life.
3 .Why was the Elder Antipholus denied entry into his own house?
Write one of the funniest episodes in ‘The Comedy of Errors’.
zAns. Elder Antipholus or Antipholus of Ephesus was denied entry into his own house mainly because of identical error. Actually, Antipholus of Syracuse, who was mistaken as Antipholus of Ephesus, was relishing dinner. So, Adriana thought that while her own husband was dining with her, she would not allow anybody to disturb their feast. Likewise, she had instructed the servants to restrict admittance of the strangers to her house. Again, the very presence of the similar figure did not rouse any suspicion in her mind. This is one of the funniest episodes in ‘The Comedy of Errors’.
4 .What was the law that prevailed in Ephesus? What did the Duke say to Aegeon when he became a victim of the law? [2 + 3 = 5]
Ans. The law that prevailed in Ephesus was that if any merchant of Syracuse was seen in Ephesus, he would be put to death unless he paid one thousand mark as ransom.
When Aegeon was brought before the Duke, he plainly stated the prevailing rule. Being asked the reason of roaming in Ephesus, Aegeon narrated the whole story. He also added that he was not afraid to die. On hearing the touching tale, the Duke was deeply moved. Instead of putting him an instant sentence, he gave Aegeon one day to gather fine. Again, the Duke admitted that he was unable to change the prevalent law although he felt empathy for him.
5 .’I am like a drop of water in the ocean, which, seeking to find its fellow drop, loses itself in the wide sea.’-Who is the speaker? When does the speaker say so? Why does the speaker make such a remark? [1 + 1 + 3 = 5]
Ans. Antipholus of Syracuse, the younger son of Aegeon, is the speaker.
He says to himself after sending his slave younger Dromio with some money in Ephesus in the process of searching of his lost mother and elder brother.
younger felt lonely. He says this vainly. Just as the Being companionless in an unknown land, Antipholas entity of a drop of water is paltry and insignificant in respect of the vastness of the ocean, Antipholus’s effort to find out his lost mother and elder brother in the large land of Ephesus is useless and futile. This line indicates the melancholic and sullen condition of the speaker’s mind,
6 .’What mistress? ‘ — Who is the speaker here? When does the speaker say so? Why does he [1 + 2 + 2 = 5] express such astonishment?
Ans. Antipholus of the Syracuse, the younger son of Aegeon, is the speaker here.
After leaving younger Dromio with some money, Antipholus younger or Antipholus of Syracuse became retrospective about his lost mother and elder brother. Then Elder Dromio appeared there. Elder Dromio or Dromio of Ephesus mistaking Antipholus of Syracuse as Antipholus of Ephesus asked him to go with him as his mistress was waiting for him for dinner. At that time the speaker says so.
The speaker Antipholus of Syracuse, having sent younger Dromio with money, was waiting alone. At that time Elder Dromio arrived and Antipholus mistook him as his slave younger Dromio. So, being asked by Dromio to dine with his mistress, Antipholus expressed such astonishment.
7. Why did Adriana get furious? What was the result of her fury? What did she finally do to revenge upon her husband? [2 + 2 + 1 = 5]
Ans. Elder Dromio went to fetch Antipholus of Ephesus, the husband of Adriana. After beaten by Antipholus of Syracuse he reported his mistress that her husband was reluctant to come to dinner. He even added that her husband told him that he had no wife at all. On hearing this, Adriana got furious.
Driven by fury, Adriana reached the inn where Antipholus of Syracuse was conversing with his slave younger Dromio. She addressed Antipholus younger as her husband and rebuked him severely. Adriana even told him that how he had fallen in love with someone. she (Adriana) insisted on him for going to her home for dinner as they had been waiting for him to dine together.
8 .Why did Antipholus of Syracuse or younger Antipholus think Ephesus to be a land of sorcerers and witches?
Ans. A series of strange happenings on the land of Ephesus made Antipholus younger think that he was amid sorcerers and witches. Antipholus younger failed to figure out that how he could be asked by his own slave Dromio who was actually the Dromio of Ephesus to dine with an unknown lady named Adriana.
That lady even claimed him to be her husband. He even could not understand that his slave Dromio went to that lady’s house to bring money to release his master thinking the Antipholus younger as Antipholus of Ephesus. Antipholus was amazed to be handed over a gold chain by a goldsmith.
The goldsmith mistook Antipholus of Syracuse as the Antipholus of Ephesus. While on the streets in Ephesus, Antipholus younger was greeted warmly by people. Some of them offered him money and some showed gratitude to him for being humane. Such behaviour from the Ephesian people seemed extremely unnatural, unconvincing and uncanny indeed. Thus, the comedy of errors to Antipholus younger made him feel so.
09 Give an account of the gold chain episode in “The Comedy of Errors’.
or, Narrate the gold chain episode in your own words.
or, Describe briefly one of the funniest episodes in ‘The Comedy of Errors.’
Ans. The gold chain episode constitutes one of the funniest situations in ‘The Comedy of Errors’. This happens as a result of mistaken identity. It leads further complications to the comedy of errors. After leaving Adriana’s house, Antipholus of Syracuse and younger Dromio happened to come by a goldsmith. The goldsmith mistook Antipholus of Syracuse as Antipholus of Ephesus. He delivered the gold chain forcibly to Antipholus of Syracuse.
Though the younger Antipholus refused to accept the chain, he was not heard of any more. No sooner had they gone, than the goldsmith was arrested for his debt. Then he noticed Antipholus of Ephesus passing by his way and asked for money. But Elder Antipholus asserted that he did not receive any such gold chain. Incidentally, both were arrested. By that time, younger Antipholus came across a lady.
Thinking younger Antipholus as Antipholus of Ephesus she asked for the chain that he (actually elder Antipholus) promised to give her. But Antipholus younger was completely bewildered and fled. Thus, the gold chain episode has added fun and frolic to the comedy of errors.
11 .Describe briefly the accident when Aegeon and his family were travelling on the sea.
or, Give an account of the shipwreck and its consequence while Aegeon along with his family was travelling.
or, What happened to the ship in which Aegeon and his family members were travelling?
Ans. Aegeon, an old merchant of Syracuse, was returning home along with his wife, twin sons and twin slaves from Epidamnum in a ship. Suddenly, they faced a violent storm. The sea grew wild and topsy-turvy. Seeing this, the sailors left them in peril and escaped in a boat. Facing the turbulent condition of the sea, Aegeon fastened his younger son and the younger slave to a spare mast. Likewise, he instructed his wife to tie the elders in the same manners. But, soon the ship hit a mighty rock and crushed. Aegeon was thus isolated from his wife, elder son and the elder slave. But he saw them to be taken aboard on a boat of fisherman.
12 .What fate did younger Antipholus or Antipholus of Syracuse face when he returned to the inn?
Ans.. Driven by fury, Adriana reached the inn. There Antipholus of Syracuse was conversing with his slave ounger Dromio. She addressed Antipholus younger as her husband and rebuked him severely. Adriana even pld him that how he had fallen in love with someone. She (Adriana) insisted on him for going to her home for danner as she had been waiting for him to dine together.
13 How did the Abbess make Adriana find/view her own fault? Who was this Abbess actually ? [4 + 1 = 5]
Ans. After careful observation and listening to the statement from Antipholus and Adriana, the Abbess summed up that Antipholus of Ephesus, the husband of Adriana, was not mentally deranged. Adriana’s jealous behaviour to her husband led him lose the peace of mind. The loss of peace in Antipholus of Ephesus Ultimate grew due to insomnia, hunger and restriction to speech. These grew for Adriana’s unreasonable suspicion. The Abbess also added that Adriana’s conduct pushed/drove her husband to be melancholic and ill-tempered. Thus, her husband appeared lunatic to her.
The Abbess was none but the mother of Antipholuses Aegeon’s wife. She was lost long ago.
14 How, according to the lady Abbess, did Adri – ana make her husband (Antipholus of Ephesus) become / turn insane?
Ans. According to the lady Abbess, Adriana was a lady of jealous temper. She had turned her husband mad. She had not let her husband sleep. Facing unreasonable suspicion from his wife, he would not eat properly which created indigestion. He was secluded from his wife. For this he could not even talk freely to anyone else. It stood as a barrier to any kind of relaxation or recreation for him. Again, Adriana’s incessant family fracas acted on his temper and mood severely. Thus, Adriana led her husband turn insane.
15 Why do you hear these rebukes without answering than?’- Who is the speaker? Whom does the person/speaker say this? In which context does the speaker make such a question?
Ans. Luciana, sister of Adriana, is the speaker here.
The speaker, Luciana says this to her elder sister Adriana who is the wife of Antipholus of Ephesus. Lady Abbess caught hold of the true picture of the marital discord of Adriana and her husband. It was found that Adriana’s jealous temper led her husband become severely insane. As lady Abbess was continuously putting blame on Adriana for her husband’s misery, Luciana makes such a question to her elder sister.
15 How were all the riddles solved?
or, How did the happy ending come after a series of complications and errors?
or, Narrate in your own words how the reconciliation took place after a long line of errors.
or, How did Aegeon get back all his family members ?
Ans. Aegeon, merchant of Syracuse, landed in Ephesus. He was presented before the Duke. He was absolutely ignorant that both of his twin sons and twin slaves were present in the same city. As the play moves forward, the comedy of errors becomes much more complicated for the mistaken identities and their actions. But all these started ceasing when Antipholus of Syracuse took refuge in the nunnery. The Abbess, there unscrambled the knot. She kept Antipholus of Syracuse away from Adriana and heard everything. Adriana, being denied by the abbess, appealed to the Duke’s hands. By this time, Antipholus of Ephesus appeared there. Adriana was at sea to see the two pairs of men looking exactly same.
The Duke sensed easily the real reason of the riddles since he had already been told the total tale by Aegeon. Then, the Abbess also disclosed her real identity i.e. she was the lost wife of Aegeon. Aegeon was overwhelmed with joy to get back his long lost family members. The complications and errors were thus solved with a happy reconciliation.
16 .Trace the different roles played by Aegeon in ‘The Comedy of Errors.’
or, Portray the character of Aegeon.
Ans. Aegeon was an old merchant of Syracuse. He stayed Epidamnum for his business. He called his wife there. There he became father of twin sons. Soon misfortune came upon his life. He was isolated from his wife, elder son and the elder slave by a terrible tempest on the sea. But this could not beat Aegeon’s spirit and mental stability. Aegeon has all along been a man of high patience and steadfastness.
Instead of loosing hope, he had searched his lost wife and son for as long as five years all over the world. He was a man of strong resolution. So, even when landed at Ephesus and the law demanded him to pay a thousand marks or accept death, he did not beg to the Duke for his life. Aegeon’s response to the call of duty became clear during the storm. He saved the pair of babies and instructed his wife to do the same. Aegeon’s love, care and sympathy for his family members stand clear by the way he pursued frantic search. In fact, Aegeon was ideally a perfect merchant, father, husband, master and a citizen too.