The Rape of the Lock Questions and Answers Short Pdf Download
Q. 1. Give the publication information of The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. Pope published three versions of The Rape of the Lock. The first was a two-canto version published in 1712. The second, published in 1714 was a five-canto version that added references to sylphs and other supernatural creatures. The final version, published in 1717 in a volume of Pope’s poetry, added Clarissa’s speech in Canto V.
Q. 2. Who is Belinda
Ans. Belinda is the heroine of The Rape of the Lock, a beautiful young lady with wondrous hair, two locks of which hang gracefully in curls. In reality she is Arabella Fermor.
Q. 3. Who is Ariel?
Ans. Ariel is Belinda’s guardian sylph.
Q. 4. Who is the Baron?
Ans. The Baron is a young admirer of Belinda who plots to cut off one of her locks. In reality he was Lord Petre
Q. 5. Who are Sylphs?
Ans. Sylph (also called sylphid) is a mythological creature in the Western tradition. The term originates in Paracelsus, who describes sylphs as invisible beings of the air, his elementals of air. There is no known substantial mythos associated with them.
6 .Who is Gnome?
Ans. A gnome is a fictional creature with origins in European mythology, typically said to be a small , humanoid creature that lives underground. The spirits of solemn prudes become gnomes or earth- spirits, and roam the earth to do mischief.
Q. 7. Who are nymphs?
Ans. In The Rape of the Lock Nymphs refer to water- spirits. According to Ariel, the spirits of gentle and submissive women become nymphs.
Q. 8. Who are salamanders?
Ans. Spirits of violent and scolding women become salamanders or fire-spirits.
Q. 9. What is the time when Canto-1 opens?
Ans. It is the hour of noon when Canto-1 opens.
Q.10. How does Ariel address Belinda in Canto-1?
Ans. Ariel addresses Belinda as the fairest of mortals in Canto-1.
Q.11. How does the guardian sylph warn Belinda of her impending misfortune?
Ans. The Guardian Sylph warns Belinda that unfortunately some dreadful event will occur in her life before this morning sun sets in the western sea, although Heaven has not revealed to him what will happen, how it will happen, or where it will happen. Only he can say that she should beware of members of male sex.
Q.12. What is the name of Belinda’s Lap-dog?
Ans. The name of Belinda’s Lap-dog is Shock.
Q.13. Comment on the allusion of CARYL in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. A friend of Pope, John Caryl, whom Pope addresses as the muse. An acquaintance of Caryl, Lord Petre, cut off a lock of hair of a young lady, Arabella Fermor. A quarrel erupted between the families. Caryl suggested that Pope write a poem to point up the silliness of the quarrel. Pope addresses Caryl as if he were a muse.
Q.14. Comment on the allusion of press’d watch in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. Press’d watch is a kind of clock. Pressing a button on it caused a bell to sound the current hour or quarter hour.
Q.15. Comment on the allusion of Birth-night in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. Birth-night is referred to an evening celebration of a royal person’s birthday.
Q.16. Comment on the allusion of silver token in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. Silver token is coin left by a fairy as a gift for a favoured mortal.
Q.17. Comment on the allusion of Ombre in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. Ombre is a popular card game for three players in which only 40 of the
2 52 cards are dealt- the eights, nines, and tens are held back.
Q.18. Comment on the allusion of “Some secret truths, from learned pride conceal’d,/ To Maids alone and Children are reveal’d: / What tho’ no credit doubting Wits may give” in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. Certain secrets are revealed only to maidens like Belinda and to children, but not to highly educated people. Skeptics may doubt the truth of these secrets but Belinda and innocent children believe them.
Q.19. Comment on the allusion of Daring spark in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. It refers to a bold gentleman; an aggressive beau.
Q.20. Comment on the allusion of Garters, Stars, and Coronets in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. These refer to the badges and other insignia of persons of high rank.
Q.21. Comment on the allusion of Your Grace in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. It refers to a member of the nobility. Although the phrase is in secondperson point of view, it is to be read in third-person point of view as if it says, “His Grace.”
Q.22. Comment on the allusion of Coquettes in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. It refers to flirtatious women.
Q.23. Comment on the allusion of Teach Infant-cheeks abidden blush in The
Rape of the Lock.
Ans.It means “Teach young ladies to wear rouge”:
Q.24. Comment on the allusion of Florio, Damon in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. These are names commonly used in poetry in Pope’s time the way we use Tom, Dick, and Harry—or John Doe-today. They do not refer to a specific person but to men in general.
Q.25. Comment on the allusion of Where wigs with wigs, with sword-knots sword-knots strive, / Beaux banish beaux, and coaches coaches drive in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. It means “The young gentlemen are vying for the attention of the young ladies”.
Q.26. Comment on the allusion of sword-knots in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. A sword knot was a loop of fabric or leather attached to the handle of a sword. A swordsman placed the loop around his wrist as a support for maintaining his grip. Some sword knots were intended only as ornaments.
Q.27. Comment on the allusion of This erring mortals Levity may call; / Oh blind to truth! the Sylphs contrive it all .in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. It means “Humans are wrong to think that young women are responsible for their frivolous and flirtatious behavior (levity). The truth is that sprites cause this behavior”.
Q.28. Comment on the allusion of Billet-douxin The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. It refers to love letter. From the French billet (note, letter) and doux (sweet). The French pronunciation is be yay DOO; the English pronunciation is BIL ay DOO:
Q.29. Comment on the allusion of Our humbler province in line-91 in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. From this phrase down to Line 100, Ariel tells his sprites that one of their jobs is to tend to the needs of fair ladies—to keep their powders and perfumes in place, to curl their hair, to put color in their cheeks, etc. Q.30. Who was Betty?
Ans. Betty was the maid of Belinda who helped her at her toiletry. Q.31. Comment on the allusion of Flounce The Rape of the Lock. Ans. It refers to frill or ruffle.
Q.32. Comment on the allusion of Furbelow The Rape of the Lock. Ans. It is also a ruffle or any other ornament. a
Q.33. Comment on the allusion of Diana’s law The Rape of the Lock. Ans. The law of Diana (Greek name, Artemis), Apollo’s twin sister and the virgin goddess of chastity. This law required young women to maintain their chastity.
Q.34. Comment on the allusion of Zephyretta The Rape of the Lock. . It refers to a Sprite in charge of regulating the wind generated by a fan. Q.35. Comment on the allusion of Brillante in The Rape of the Lock. . It refers to a Sprite in charge of earrings.
AnsAnsQ.36 AnsQ.37 AnsQ.38 Ans. It refers to ointments.
. Comment on the allusion of Crispissa in The Rape of the Lock. . Crispissa refers to a Sprite in charge of guarding Belinda’s favorite lock of hair. . Comment on the allusion of Momentilla in The Rape of the Lock. . It refers to a Sprite in charge of watching the time. . Comment on the allusion of Pomatums in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. Q.39. To what period of Pope’s poetic career does The Rape of the Lock beolng? The Rape of the Lock belongs to the early period of Pope’s poetic caeer in which he wrote Pastorals, Essay in Criticism also.
When was “The Rape of the Lock” first published? Ans
Ans. . In 1712 Pope published the first draft of The Rape of the Lock. It was finally published with the present dedicatory note in 1714. Q.41. To whom Pope dedicated The Rape of the Loock? Who was the person? The Rape of the Lock was dedicated to Mrs Arabella Fermor, the daughter of Henry Fermor annd Somerton.
Q.42. In what manner was the Dedication written?
Ans. The Dedication was written in the manner of the polite correspondence after the model of the French writers of the Seventeenth century, notable among whom was Voltaire.
Ans. Q.43. Does the title of the poem bear any literary reminiscence? The title of the poem, The Rape of the Lock is reminiscent.of Shakespeare’s famous poem, The Rape of Lucrece which deals with the rape of of Roman matron, Lucrece by Emperor Tarquin.
Q.44. What is the occasion of the poem, The Rape of the Lock?
Ans. The occasion of the poem is the quarrel between two aristocratiic Roman Catholic families. Lord Petre in a moment of youthful frolic had cut off a lock of hair from Miss Arabella Fermor’s head which caused a violent quarrel between two families. The gentle satire was written to reconcile the two quarreling families. 14
Q.45. What type of pem ic The Rape of the Lock? Ans. The Rape of the Lock is a general satire written in mock-heroic style. Q.46. What type of literary satire is adopted in the poem?:
Ans. The poem is a mock-heroic satire. It deals with a trivial subject but adopts heroic or epic style. It is a bulesque of the epic form. Q.47, What is the theme of the poem, The Rape of the Lock? Ans. The Rape of the Lock is a general satire ridiculing the fashions and frivolities
of the aristocratic society of the eighteenth century. Q.48. In what name does Miss Arabella Fermor appear in the poem, The
Rape of the Lock? Why is the name taken by the poet?
Ans. Miss Arabella Fermor appears in the poem as Belinda. The name Belinda was a common name for light-hearted woman in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. It occurs in Etherege’s drama, The Man of Mode and Congreve’s The Old Bachelor.
Q.49. Who is Caryll? Why does the poet say that the verse is due to Caryll? Ans. John Caryll (1666-1736) was a well-to-do Roman Catholic and a close friend of Pope. The theme of the poem was suggested by his friend Caryll and so Pope was indebted to him.
Q.50. “If she inspire, and he approve my lays.” – Who will inspire and who will approve the lays? Ans.
the poem. Belinda will inspire him with poetic power and John Caryll will approve
Q.51. “This verse to Caryll, Muse is due.” – Who is Caryll? What is meant by Muse? Ans. John Caryll (1666-1736) was a well-to-do Roman Catholic and a close friend of Pope.
Q.52. “If She inspire, and he approve my lays.” – Does the line seem to be an adaptation or ann echo?
Ans. The line is reminiscent of the line from Virgil’s Georgics (IV.6)- “If heaven assst, and phoebus hear my call.” here Miss Fermor and John Caryll take the place of ‘heaven’ and ‘Phoebus’ (Apollo) respectively. Q.53. How does Pope begin the poem? What similarity do you with paradise lost?
Ans. Pope begins the poem with the conventional classical devise of proposition and invocation. There are echoes of Milton’s Paradise Lost in the line “what dire offence from amorous intrigues srings”. (of Man’s first disobedience and the forbidden fruit.)
Q.55. “This even Bekklinda may vaouchsafe view.” – Who is belinda? What does the poet mean by “vaouchsafe to view”?
Ans. Belinda is the heroine of the poem, The Rape of the Lock. She is Miss Arabella Fermor. The poet hopes that Belinda (Arabella Fermor) will be pleased to view the poem with favour.
Q.56. “A well-bred Lord to assult a ‘gentle Belle’.” – Who is the ‘well-bred Lord’? Who is the ‘gentle Belle’?
Ans. The’well-bred Lord’ is the Lord Petre who cut the lock of hair of Belinda. ‘Belle’ meanns a beautiful girl and is also a shortened form of Arabella. ‘Gentle’ is a permanent epithet for Belle. a
Q.57. “In tasks so bold, can Little men engage,” – What bold tasks are referred to? What is meant by little men? I
Ans. ‘Bold tasks’ refer to the cutting of the lock of hair of a gentle belle. ‘Little menn’ means who are so frail (unlike the heroes of the epic) could dare such an adventourous deed (as cutting the lock of hair). Little men suggest also the stature of Lord Petre.
Q.58. “And sllepless Lovers, just at twelve awake.” – What is suggested by the phrase, ‘sleepless Lovers’? What is the satire in the line? Ans. Lovers spend sleepless hours at nights for thought of love. They waje at 12 noon. There is a satirical suggestion of the fashionable lovers who do nothing except love-making. a
Q.59. “Her guardian Sylph.” – What is Sylph? Whose guardian is the Sylph? Ans. Sylph is a fairy being. According to the Rosicrucian doctrine, Sylphs live in air. Ariel is the guardian angel of Belinda.
Q.60. What is meant by ‘balmy rest? Who prolonged the ‘balmy rest?
Ans. ‘Balmy resť means the sweet sleep in the morning after awakening. The guardian angel (Sylph) lengthened the hours of sweet sleep so that she might have dream of the lover (morning dream).
0.61. “The morning dream that hovered her head.” – What is meant by the Morning Dream?
Ans. Sylph, the guardian angel of Belinda prolonged the sweet sleep of Belinda in the person of a youth more splendidly clothed thanb a courtier attending royal birthday celebrations. The morning dream is personified in the shhape of a youth more glittering than a rayally dressed courtier. meaning of Birth-night Beau?
Q.62. What is the
Ans. On royal birthdays courtiers appeared at the court in particularly splendid dress.
Q.63. · Does Sylph’s speech to Belinda in her sleep has any parallel in literature?
Ans. The speech od Sylph in whispers to Belinda is a parallel to Satan’s tempting of Eve in whispers in paradise Lost, Book IX.
Q.64. What visions the infants see of the things in the stories told to them by the nurses?
Ans. The infants see and believe the vcisions of the things that their nurses and priests tell i.e. fairy elves seen in moonlit forests or slver pennies which fairies are said to drop at night into the shoes of the maids who keep the house clean and tidy and keep the rings in the green grass. Q.65. What are the stories told by the
priests? Ans
Ans. The priests tell the story of the virgin visited and embraced by angels at night. Q.66. What is meant by circled green?
. Circled Green means the rings of grass of deeper blue colour than the surrounding pasture which was believed to be caused by the midnight dance of fairy elves.
Q.67. “Some secret truths from Learned Pride concealed.” – What iis meant by ‘Learned Pride’? To whhom are secret truths revealed?
Ans. ‘Learned Pride’ means those who are proud of
their learning. Deep secrets are revealed to maids and children and concealed from proud men of learning.
Q.68. “Some secret truths Learned Pride concealed.” -Is this line reminiscent of any passage elsewhere?
Ans. This line is a parody of the famous line of the Bible: “At that time Jesus answered and said, “I thank thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise annd prudent and has revealed them unto babes”- Matthew XI, 23.
. What is meant by “the light militia of the lower sky”? “The light militia of the lower sky” means the liight armed troops of the regions of the air intermediate between earth and heaven. . How does Sylph guard Belinda?
Q.69 Ans.
Q.70 Ans
. The sylph is the guardian angel of Belinda and flies in air. The spiritsa of air attend on Belinda in the theatre box, carriage drive in Hyde Park.
Q.71. What are the inherent qualities in every woman as described by the Sylph? Ans. Vanities, frivolities and love of the game of cards are inherent qualities which survive in a woman even after death.
Q.72. What was Sylph in previous life? How has she been transformed? Ans. Sylph was in previous life a woman. Death has transformed her into an airy being, but the vanities and love of game of cards still persists in her. She watches over the game.
Q.73. How are the souls of women transformed after death?
Ans. The soul of the termagant (quarrelsome woman) rises up in flames and becomes a Salamander; the soft and pliant woman becomes water nymph; the woman of affected modesty becomes a gnome roaming over the earth in search of mischief; the frivolous coquettish woman becomes a Sylph and flies in air.
Q.74. What is meant by “the moving toy shop of their heart”? Whose toy shop is indicated?
Ans. – The female heart is like a toyshop of a pedler that is constantly shifting from one place to the other, The heart of a fashionable woman is full of everchanging thoughts.
Q.75. What is the meaning of ‘Billet doux’? What are contained in it? Ans. Billet doux is a French word (Billy-doo) meaning love-letter. The loveletter contains the conventional sighs, wounds, ardours of the lover. Q.76. How is the toilet of Belinda described?
Ans. The toilet of Belinda begins with a solemn prayer. Belinda like a priestess worships her own image in the mirror.
Q.77. “The inferior priestess at her alter’s side.” – Who is the inferior priestess? What does Pope mean by the word, Alter?
Ans. The inferior priestess refers to Belinda’s maid Betty who is second in the sacred ritual of the toilet. The word Alter suggests that the toilet table is the Alter where sacred rites of the toilet are performed. Q.78. “Each silver vase in mystic order laid.” – What is suggested by the ‘silver vase’ and ‘mystic order’?
Ans. ‘Silver vases’ are silver cases containing toilet articles like rouge, powder etc. Mystic order means the arrangement of the silver cases in a manner in which things are done in religious rituals. The whole process of toilet is a sacred ritual.
Q.79. How is Belinda dressed and decked?
Ans. Belinda is decked with bright gems from India, perfumes of Arabia, combs made of tortoise shell and ivory.
Q.80. What is meant by “All Arabia breathes from yonder box”? Ans. ‘All Arabia breathes from yonder box’ means the perfumes of Arabia are stored up in a box Here place is used for productiori (Metonymy).
Q.81. What is meant by ” Ans. The poet means that the combs are made of tortoise shell and ivory (elephant tusk).
tortoise and elephant unite”?
Q.82. How does Ariel foresee the disaster to the life of Belinda?
Ans. Ariel while roaming in the air saw in the mirror of Belinda’s destiny the image of some imminent dreadful eent that would ovetake Belinda before the sunset. He (Ariel) therefore warns her against a man. gnomes play in the life of the maidens?
What part do
Q.83. Ans. Gnomes under whose influnce maidens sometimes fall raise expectations of high marriage in the minds of the maidens and as a result they reject the advances o common suitors and long for the lords and peers and their wealth and grandeur. The gnomes corrupt the souls of maidens are moved at the sight of fashionable beau.
and they Q.84. How do the Sylph protest the maidens from compromising situations for them?
Ans. The Sylphhs guard the maidens who are frail enough to yield to the flashy fashionable guys in the ball dances, in cours, in midnight masques. lovers try to tempt young maidens?
Q.85. How do young fashionable Ans. Young fashionable lovers in ball dances, courts and midnight masques cast amorous glances at the maidens and whisper love in the darkness of night. meant by melting maids?
Q.86. What is
Ans. Melting maids means maidens who easily yield to the flashy fashionable young men in courts and ball dances.
Q.87. What is meant by ‘prude’, coquette?
Ans. Prude means woman of affected modesty; coquette means flirts (who are frivolous girls ready to make love).
Q.88. Wha excites the passions of light-hearted girls?
Ans. Favourable opportunities in courts and ball dances when soft music and dances go on excite the passions of light-hearted maidens. Q.89. What is meant by eternal tea?
Ans. Eternal tea means water. Q.90. How do maidens change from lover to lover?
Ans. There is no young lady who does not surrender her viirtue to a new lover who gives entertainment. But if a dance party is arranged by another lover, she changes to that lover. Thus when Florio whispers words of love to a frivolous girl, another lover (Damon) shakes hands with her and seduces her away. a
Q.90. What tempts the maidens most?
Ans. Maidens are tempted by the fashionable young men (Beaux) wearing new wigs or sword-knots and driving nnew coaches.
Q.92. What is meant by ‘Crystal wilds of Air’?
Ans. Crystal wilds of Air means transparent air. Sylph (Ariel) roams in the transparent air.
Q.93. How does Pope create comic poetic effect in the description of the toilet table? Ans. Pope describes the toilet table as full of patches, powders, pins, puffs, billet-doux and Bibles, here alliterative effect is created. There is anticlimax in the juxtaposition of the billet-doux (love-letter) and the Bible.
Q.94. “Keener lightenings quicken in her eyes” – What does Pope suggest here? Ans. Pope satirically describes the beautification of Belinda . As Belinda dresses and decks herself, her beauty is enhanced. The graces that sleptin her awakened with her toiletting. She uses Belladona to enlarge the pupil of the eye. Pope is suggesting the artificial make-up of the lady.
Q.95. What are the possible sources of the poem, The Rape of the Lock?
Ans. Some of the possible sources are a poem by the Italian poet Tassoni called La Secchi Rapita (The Rape of the Bucket). The Renaissance poet Girolamo Vida had written a mock-heroic in Latin about chess called Scaccio Ludas. The game of ombre in the third canto might have been suggested to Pope by the Italian poem. Bou the most profound influence on Pope was that of Boileau, the French critic and poet whose La Lutrin appeared in English version in 1708.
Q.96. Mention some epic devices adopted by Pope in “The Rape of the Lock’. Ans. The poem begins with proposition which contains the Invocation. This is followed by the argument. There is the epic machinery of sylphs an gnomes. There is the grand manner of description of the toilet table and dressing by Belinda. There is the journey. The quarrels are epic battles. Q.97. What are the mock-heroic elements in the poem, The Rape of the Lock?
Ans. The contrast between the trivial subject matter and the epic style creates the mock-heroic effect and laughter. The epic manner is mocked at in the Invocation, in the epic similes, in the grand speeches and descriptions. Mockery is created through the use of epic machinery, journey to the underworld, the game of Ombre.
Q.98. Whatt are the mock-heroic elements in the first Canto?
Ans. The mock-heroic elements in the first Canto consist of Invocation, grand description of the toilet table, and in the mention of Sylphs and gnomes, supernatural agencies.
Q.99. Mention one broad epic simile in the first Canto?
Ans. The elaborate way of dressing and decking herself by Belinda at the toilet table is likened to a priestess worshipping an idol on the altar. The whole process of toiletting is sacred ritual — There is another simile‘light Militia of the lower Sky’-light armed troops. Sylphs are compared to light-armed troops of the regions of air.
Q.100. In the Dedication, Pope mentions Rosicrucian Doctrine of spirits. What is meant by Rosicrucian doctrine of spirits?
Ans. Rosicrucian is the name given to secret brotherhood, supposes to have been founded by Christian RosanFreutz. The idea of Sylphs, gnomes, nymphs is derived from this doctrine.
Ans. Machinery means the agency of fairy beings called Sylphs, Gnomes, Deities etc. The four elements (air, water, fire and earth) are inhabited by spirits called Sylphs, nymphs, Salamanders and Gnomes.
Q.101. What is meant by machinery?
Q.102. How many Cantos are there in The Rape of the Lock? How many Cantos were published in the first version?
Ans. Pope published only two Cantos in the forst version in 1712 and later after adding the supernatural machinery, the completed poem in five Cantos was published in 1714.
Ans. Q.103. Who is the Rival of the Beams? Why is the person called the rival? Belinda is the rival of the Sun. She is the rival of the Sun in respect of beauty and splendour.
Q.104. “Which Jews might kiss and infidels adore.”- Of what is said? What is the significance of the line?
Ans. The cross is placed in the white breast of belinda. This makes Belinda so charming that even the Jews who are anti-Christ annd non-Christians would kiss and worship. The Jews and infidels would worship the Christian emblem cross. They would do irreligious act for them.
Q.105. “Look on her face, and you’ll forget them all.” – About whom is this said? What does the poet mean?
Ans. This is said about Belinda. Bel;inda is so lovely and sweet that any fault she might have wwill be overlooked if any one sees her eyes. Q.106. “This nymph, to the Destruction of Mankind” – Who is the nymph?
How would she be the destruction of mankind?
Ans. Nymph is belinda. Belinda’s beautiful locks od hair hanging behind in equal curls are so fascinnating that they will be the cause of ruin and confusion of the male sex.
Q.107. What is meant by ‘Labyrinths”? Which are called Labyrinths in the poem? Ans. Labyrinths means places where one gets confused and cannot find out the way out. In the poem, Labyrinths refer to the intricate masses of hair of Belinda. The poet means fascinated young men would be ensnared and confused by these beautifuul locks of hair.
Q.108. Describe Belinda as she is described at the beginning of Canto-2.
Ans. The sun rises with all its splendour in the sky and throws its crimson radiance over the ocean. But Belinda, who competed in the brightness with the sun, came out of her house with even greater splendour and, getting into a boat, sailed upon the surface of the silver-bright water of the river of Thames. Beautiful ladies and finely dressed young gentlemen glittered around her. But the eyes of everyone were fixed on her only.
Q.109. “Mightyhearts are held in slender chains.” -What Who are mighty hhearts? Why will they be held in the chains? Ans. Chains here refer to the beautiful curls of hair of Belinda. Mighty hearts are young lovers fascinated by the beauty of belinda. They will be held
are the chains herfe?
by the silver chains (locks of hair).
Q.110. How are young men ensnared by the beauty of Belinda compared? Ans. As birds are caught in the snares, the fishe is caught in the nets made of hair, so kings and emperors have been fascinated and bound by woman’s lovely hair.
Q.112. “The adventurous Baron admired the locks.” – Who is the adventurous Baron? What are the locks referred to?
Ans. Baron refers to Lord Petre. he is adveturous because like a bold knight of romance, he will cut off a lock lady’s hair. The locks refer to the locks of hair of belinda.
Q.113. “By force to ravish or by fraud betray.” – In what connection is this said? Ans. The Baron, the hero (Lord Petre) admired the locks of hair and meditated on having them either by force or by fraud.
Q.114. Is there any echo in the line: By force to ravish or by fraud betray? Ans. The line is an echo of Satan’s resolve to fight God by force or by fraud. Here is an allusion to the proverb— “All’s fair in love and war”. Aeneid II, 390 dolus, on virtus, quis in hoste requirat.” (Whether deceit or valour who would ask in warfare).
Q.115. What did the Baron do for gaining the locks of hair of belinda? Ans. The Baron (Lord Petre) admired the lock of hair of belinda. He desired them. So before sunrise he worshipped every gid, particularly the god of love.
altar built.” – Of what are altar of the Baron was built? The altar of the Baron was built of twelve French romances, garters, gloves, trophies of former love etc. ns.
Q.116. “To love an
Q.117. What is the significance of twelve French romances, garters, gloves, trophies of which the altar of the Baron is built?
Ans. French romances were the favourite books of fashionable lovers (twelve was the propitious number-Romulus saw twelve vultures in the classical legend). Garters and gloves were the love tokens from the previous mistresses of the Baron.
Q.118. What did the Baron do at the altar he built?
Ans. The Baron (Lord Petre) lit the fire for the altar with a love letter and sighed thrice over it to fan the fire. He prostrated himself before the god and prayed for success in his adventure.
Q.119. “The lucid squadrons round the sails repair.”- What is meant by the Why do they repair round the sails?
‘lucid squadrons’?
Ans. The lucid squadrons refer to the transparently bright sylphs. They are airy spirits. They appear at the call of Ariel to take position for the protection of Belinda who is threatened with disaster.
Ans. Denizens of air mean spirits who hover in air. They are caleed lucid squadrons. Q.121. How are sylphs described? What do they do at the directions of Ariel? Ans. The sylphs hhave no body; they are transparent essence. They are invisible to the mortals. Some of them unfolded their wings and flew in the air or come down in a cloud of golden haze.
Q.120. Who are the denizens of air?
Q.122. What is meant by ‘glittering textures of the filmy dew”?
Ans. The dress of the sylphs waved in the air like gossamars and were coloured with rich hues of the sky that played about, changing constantly as spirits flew through the air.
Q.123. What are the different kinds of sylphs that Ariel addressed? Ans. Ariel addressed Sylphs, Sylphids (female sylphs), fays, fairies, genni, demons.
elves, Sylphs? bask in the
Q.124. What is the humbler sphere of duty of the Ans. The humbler sphere of duty of the Sylphs is to guard the beautiful women. Q.125. What are the different tasks assigned to different types of Sylphs? warm sunshine.
Ans. Some Sylphs play in the region of ether and Some are to guide the course of wandering stars or the revolution of the planets. Those who are grosser are to pursue the shooting stars (meteors)across the sky; some raise storms in the sea or cause rain to fall on the furrowed fields; others preside over the destiny of men and men’s actions.
Q.126. Recount the duties of the Sylphs for guarding the Ans. The humbler province of the Sylphs is to tend the fair women. Duties are humble and modern. For instance, they will prevent the cosmetic powder from being blown off by air and prevent thhe perfume of essence from losing itself in the air. They assist the ladies to paint their faces with the cosmetic lotion gathered from the rainbow, curl their hair and inspire their dreams.
beautiful girls.
Q.127. What is meant by ‘To change a Flounce or add furbelow’? Ans. Flounce means an ornamental appendage to the skirt of a lady’s dress. Furbelow means the fringed border of a gown or petticoat. for Belinda?
Q.128. What ‘dire disaster’ Ariel foresees
Ans. Ariel apprehends that Belinda may break Diana’s law i.e. chastity (Diana was the classical goddess of moon, the protector of virgins) or the lady may break her china cup.
Q.129. What are the disasters apprehended by Ariel?
Ans. Ariel apprehends that Belinda may violate the law of chastity or break the china jar or stain honour or brocade, forget her prayers or miss a ball dance or lose her heart or necklace or her lapdog, Shock may die. Q.130. How does Pope create comic effect in mentioning the disasters that may come upon Belinda?
Ans. Pope creates comic effect by the juxtaposition of the grand and the trivial – breaking Diana’s law (chastity) and china jar; staining honour
and brocade; forgetting prayers or ball dance; lose her heart or necklace or her lapdog
Q.132. Name the Sylphs entrusted with the task of protecting the chastity of Belinda.
Ans. Zephyretta (from Zephyr-West wind) will take the charge of her fan; Brillante (brilliants as diamonds are called) will see her ear-rings; Momentilla (from moment) will watch her; Cispissa Crisp (curles lock) will guard her locks of hair and Ariel himself will guard her lap-dog. Fifty chosen Sylphs will take charge of the petticoat of Belinda.
Q.133. What is the meaning of “Colours that change whene’er they wave their wings”?
Ans. The expression means the shifting colours of the sky due to the flight of spirits through the air.
Q.134. “Waft on the Breeze or sink in clouds of gold.” – About whom is this said? What is said about them?
Ans. This is said about the Sylphs. Som float on the breeze, some descend below in dazzling golden light, looking like gorgious clouds. Q.135. “Or suck the mists in grosser Air below.” – What is meant by it? –
Ans. Some Syplhs purge the air by sucking the mists. In Pope’s conception of Supernatural mmachinery, there is a perfect blend of the supernatural and natural. Nature is the sphere of the works of these supernatural beings. Q.136. What is the meaning of Diana’s Law?
Ans. Diana, the classical goddess of Moon (emblem of chastity and virginity) is the protectress of virgins. Diana’s law means chastity or virginity. Q.137. What is masquerade?
Ans. Masquerades are ball or other functions at which masks or fancy dresses are worn.
Q.138. Why shall the petticoat of Belinda be guarded by fify chosen Sylphs? Ans. Fifty chosen Sylphs will take charge of the petticoat of belinda because even the strongest of petticoats provided with hoops, ribs of whales have been known to have failed in preserving the chastity of a woman.
Q.139. Why Ariel himself takes charge of Belinda’s lap-dog?
Ans. Belinda’s dog, Shock is of supreme importance to Ariel. So the chief of the Sylphs will personally take charge of it. Disaster that is apprehended may come over Shock and that will give Belinda the greatest shock.
Q.140. In what connection does Pope refer to ‘hoops’ and ‘Ribs of whale”? Ans. Hoops are metal rings. Hoops and lines of whale’s ribs were used to keep the petticoat stiff and crisp.
Q.141. How will the sylphs be punished if they neglect their charges of protecting Belinda from any disaster?
Ans. Spirits who will neglect their charges of protecting Belinda will be punished with confinement in phials, chained in pin, plunged in bitter liquid cosmetics, wedged in the eye of needle, tied like Ixion to the wheels of chocolate mill or made to boil in the fume of boiling chocolate.
Q.142. “Plunged in Lakes of bitter washes lie.” – In what connection is this said? Is there any reminiscence of any mythology?
Ans. This is said in connection with the description of punishments that will be given to Sylphs guilty of neglect of charges. One of the punishments is to plunge the Sylphs in bitter liquid cosmetics. The poet has in mind the punishment of Tantalus in Greek mythology. (Tantalus was plunged in water but he could not drink water). the phrase ‘Ixion fixed ?
Q.143 Ans. Ixion, according to a legend was a king of Thessaly who made advances to Hera, the queen of Heaven. This so much angered Zeus (King of Heaven) that he struck hhim with thunderbolts and ordered Hermes to dispatch him to Tartarus (hell) and bind him to an ever-revolving wheel. power?
. What is the allusion in
Q.144. What is the meaning of Alom- Ans. ‘Alom Stypticks’ means application of alum to stop bleeding. One of tghe punishments to be meted out to the erring Sylph is contracting his spiritual body like shrivelled or dried up flowers and application of alum to stop beeding.
Stypticks with contracting
. What is thhe meaning of Bodkin’s eye?
Q.145 Ans. Bodkin means a large needle in this context. The deliquent sylph will be up in the eye of the needle.
shut Q.146. What is meannt by ‘The sea that froths below’?
Ans. It means the boiling and foaming Cocoa pot. Chocolate is modern Cocoa. The erring Sylph will be made to boil in the fume of boiling chocolate. Q.147. “Anxious, and trembling for the birth of fate.” – What is suggested phrase “Birth of Fate ? –
Ans. “The birth of Fate’ means the ocuurance of the fatal event as ordained by Fate. The event was still in the womb of time and it will be born in a minute. It is reminiscent of the line in the Iliad “And Fate now labours with some vast event.”
by the
Q.148. Comment on the allusion of Daring spark in The Rape of the Lock. Ans. It refers to a bold gentleman; an aggressive beau. Q.149. Comment on the allusion of Garters, Stars, and Coronets in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. These refer to the badges and other insignia of persons of high rank. Q.150. Comment on the allusion of Your Grace in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. It refers to a member of the nobility. Although the phrase is in secondperson point of view, it is to be read in third-person point of view as if it says, “His Grace.”
Q.151. Comment on the allusion of Coquettes in The Rape of the Lock. Ans. It refers to flirtatious women.
Q.152. Comment on the allusion of Teach Infant-cheeks abidden blush in The Rape of the Lock. Ans. It means “Teach young ladies to wear rouge”.
Q.153. Comment on the allusion of Florio, Damon in The Rape of the Lock. Ans. These are names commonly used in poetry in Pope’s time the way we use Tom, Dick, and Harry-or John Doe-today. They do not refer to a specific person but to men in general.
Q.154. Comment on the allusion of Where wigs with wigs, with sword-knots sword-knots strive, / Beaux banish beaux, and coaches coaches drive in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. It means “The young gentlemen are vying for the attention of the young ladies”.
Q.155. Comment on the allusion of sword-knots in The Rape of the Lock. Ans. A sword knot was a loop of fabric or leather attached to the handle of a sword. A swordsman placed the loop around his wrist as a support for maintaining his grip. Some sword knots were intended only as ornaments.
Q.156. Comment on the allusion of This erring mortals Levity may call; / Oh blind to truth! the Sylphs contrive it all .in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. It means “Humans are wrong to think that young women are responsible for their frivolous and flirtatious behavior (levity). The truth is that sprites cause this behavior”.
Q.157. Comment on the allusion of Billet-douxin The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. It refers to love letter. From the French billet (note, letter) and doux (sweet). The French pronunciation is be yay DOO; the English pronunciation is BIL ay DOO.
Q.158. Comment on the allusion of Our humbler province in line-91 in The Rape of the Lock.
Ans. From this phrase down to Line 100, Ariel tells his sprites that one of their jobs is to tend to the needs of fair ladies- to keep their powders and perfumes in place, to curl their hair, to put color in their cheeks, etc. Q.159. Who was Betty?
Ans. Betty was the maid of Belinda who helped her at her toiletry. Q.160. Comment on the allusion of Flounce The Rape of the Lock. Ans. It refers to frill or ruffle.
Q.161. Comment on the allusion of Furbelow The Rape of the Lock. Ans. It is also a ruffle or any other ornament.
Q.162. Comment on the allusion of Diana’s law The Rape of the Lock. Ans. The law of Diana (Greek name, Artemis), Apollo’s twin sister and the virgin goddess of chastity. This law required young women to maintain their chastity.
Q.163. Comment on the allusion of Zephyretta The Rape of the Lock. Ans. It refers to a Sprite in charge of regulating the wind generated by a fan. Q.164. Comment on the allusion of Brillante in The Rape of the Lock. Ans. It refers to a Sprite in charge of earrings.
Q.165. Comment on the allusion of Crispissa in The Rape of the Lock. Ans. Crispissa refers to a Sprite in charge of guarding Belinda’s favorite lock of hair.
Q.166. Comment on the allusion of Momentilla in The Rape of the Lock. Ans. It refers to a Sprite in charge of watching the time. Q.167. Comment on the allusion of Pomatums in The Rape of the Lock. Ans. It refers to ointments.
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