Paradise Lost Short Questions and Answers Pdf Download
Q. 1. “The fruit of that forbidden tree” What is the forbidden tree? What happened with the fruit of the forbidden tree?
Ans. The forbidden tree is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God forbade Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge but they ate the fruit in defiance of God’s command.
Q. 2. Who are the chosen seed? What did the shepherd teach the chosen seed?
Ans. The ancient Jews (Israelites) were the favourite people (chosen seed) of God, Jehovah. God taught Moses how heaven and earth were created out of chaos.
Q. 3. Whom does Milton invoke?
Ans. Milton invokes “heavenly Spirit’.
Q. 4. From where did God instruct Moses and what did He instruct?
Ans: God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses from Horeb, the mountain range.
5 . Where did Milton’s Muse reside?
Ans: Milton’s Muse reside in the pure and upright heart of man.
Q. 6. Why did Milton pray to the Heavenly Spirit?
Ans: Milton’s prays to the heavenly Spirit to illuminate his heart so that he can rise to the task of writing his ‘adventurous song’ which will be superior to classical epics.
Q. 7. “Dove-like sat’st broading on the vast abyss”. What is the image here? From where is the image taken?
Ans: Milton’s purpose is to assert eternal providence and justify the ways
of God. The Holy Spirit appears as a dove in John 1: 32.
Q. 8. What is the technical name of the first twenty six lines of Paradise Lost, Book I?
Ans. The first twenty six lines of the Paradise Lost are called Principiam which includes the Invocation.
Q. 9. What did Milton ask the Heavenly Spirit say first?
Ans. Milton asks Heavenly Spirit to say first, why angels rose against God in heaven and how angels were hurled to hell.
10 . Where was ‘Siloa’s brook’?
Ans: Siloa’s brook was a stream on Zion’s Hill. It flowed by the temple in Jerusalem.
Q. 11. The Infernal spirit-Who is called so? Why is he so called?
Ans:The Infernal Spirit refers to Satan, the chief angel who rebelled against God. He is called Serpent and tempted her to eat the Forbidden fruit.
Q. 12. Did Satan fight alone against God?
Ans: Satan’s revolt against God was reinforced by other angels.
Q. 13. What did God do to punish the rebel angels?
Ans: God punished the rebel angels by hurling them down to hell there to dwell in permanent fire of sufferings.
Q. 14.Why do flames of hell give no light?
Ans: The hell is so vast and dreary that the flames produced by sulphur do not provide enough light.
Q. 15.What is meant by’ darkness visible?
Ans: Darkness is visible and so the dwellers of hell can see the horrible scenes of hell. Its shadowness gives a horrible effect to the hell.
Q. 16. “If thou beest he, but on how fallen”- Who speaks? To whom the speech is addressed?
Ans. Satan is the speaker. he addresses the speech to Belzeebub, who was next in crime and is next in suffering in hell.
Q. 17. Who is called the mother of mankind?
Ans: Eve is called the mother of mankind. She was the first woman created by God.
Q. 18. What is called the seat of desolation?
Ans: Hell is called the seat of desolation.
Q. 19. What is the reply of Beelzebub to Satan’s exportations?
Ans: Belzebub replies that their unconquerable spirit and immortality will
be no avail because they are doomed to eternal punishment in hell.
Q.20. What are the meanings of adamentive chains and penal fire?
Ans: ‘Adamentive chains’ mean unbreakable chains (adamant means diamond) ‘Penal fire’
ignominious and shameful than defeat? Ans: To sue for forgiveness to God is more ignominious and shameful
Q. 21. What is more
than defeat.
What would be now the object of Satan and his followers? : Satan and Beelzebub shifted from the lake of fire to the land. The land has solid fire, equally hot and dreary. 22.
Q. 23. Where did Satan and Beelzebub of Satan and his followers? Ans: Satan and Beelzebub shifted from the lake of fire to the land. The land has solid fire, equally hot and dreary.
rise from the lake of fire? Ans: The fallen angels are compared to the custs that overcast the sky of
Q. 24. How are fallen angels described when they
Egypt as the tenth plague sent by God for torturing the Israelites. Q.
25. How is Satan described as he lies stretched on the lake of fire? Ans: Satan is described as a huge figure lying on the lake of fire for Quarter of acre.
is Satan compared? Ans : Satan is compared to the Huge sea-beast or sea-monster Leviathan
Q. 26. To what animal
who is often mistaken for an island by the benighted sailors. Q. 27. What is suggested in the Comparison Satan to Leviathan?
Ans: Milton suggests the hugeness of Satan as well as his deceitfulness. Leviathan is mistaken for an island and the sailors fastens the anchor on it and are thus deceived.
Q. 28. Who was Busiris ?
Ans: Busiris was a legendary king of Egypt. He was the first oppressor of the Israelites.
Q. 29. What is Satan’s new plan to avenge the defeat ?
Ans: Satan’s new plan is to make a journey to Paradise and tempt Eve and Adam.
Q. 30. How does Satan propose to execute his new plan of action? Ans: Satan proposes to consult the chief angels about the new plan of action to be launched against God.
Q. 31. Who is Amran’s Son?
Ans: Amran’s son is Moses, the leader and prophet of the Israelites. Q. 32. Why does the forbidden tree have ‘mortal taste’ ? (K.U.2013)
Ans. This is a reference, obviously, to Adam and Eve being tempted by the serpent in the Garden of Eden to eat the forbidden fruit. After this, sin (and mortality) entered the world, and Adam and Eve were cast out of Paradise.
Q. 33. How did the ‘infernal serpent’ deceive the ‘mother of mankind” ? (K.U.2013)
Ans. The ‘infernal serpent, Satan in provoked ‘the mother of mankind’, Eve to taste the mortal taste of the ‘forbidd’n tree’ and thus Eve along with Adam was caste out of Heaven.
Q. 34. Who are the ’embattled Seraphim’ ? (K.U.2013)
Ans. The fallen angels who were banished from the heaven with Satan and who rebeled against God were ‘Seraphims’ as they were angels highest in the hierarchy .
Q. 35. What does Milton say about Moloch ? (K.U.2014) Ans.
In John Milton’s Paradise Lost Book-1, Moloch is one of the greatest warriors of the fallen angels. He is listed among the chief of Satan’s angels in Book I, and is given a speech at the parliament of Hell in Book 2:43 – 105, where he argues for immediate warfare against God. He later becomes revered as a pagan god on Earth. Q. 36. “That shepherd who first taught the chosen seed”. Who was the –
shepherd? Why was he so called? (K.U.2011) Ans:
The Shepherd was Moses, the prophet and leader of the ancient Jews. He was called the Shepherd because he led and fed (with religious thoughts) the Israelites just as Shepherd led and fed the sheep (In Christian literature and fed the sheep and fed the Sheep
(In Christian literature, men are sheep and the religious leader is the Shepherd).
Q. 37, In what respect, Milton’s invocation is different from that of the Classical poets?
Ans: Classical poets (poets of ancient Greek and Rome) invoked the Muse, the goddess of epic poetry but Milton prays to heavenly Spirit – the spirit of God because he is a christian poet. Who was Satan? What is the meaning of Satan? Why is he so called? Q. 38.
Satan was the chief Cherabim (higher angels) in Heaven. His name was Lucifer. He rebelled against God, The absolute ruler of Heaven out of a sense of injured merit.In hell he is known as Satan the Ans : enemy of God.
Q. 39. What made Satan stir up with ‘envy’ and revenge?
Ans: Satan was stirred up with envy of supreme power of God whom he looked upon as his equal. He wanted to make revenge on God because God did not recognise his merit.
Q. 40. How long did Satan and his crew take to fall from heaven ? In which condition were they found?
Ans: It took mine days and nine nights (
according to earthly calculation
of time) for Satan and for his horrid crew to fall from heaven to hell. They were found rolling in the fiery lake of hell. They lay stupefied in hell.
Q. 41.
What does Satan mean when he says ‘all is not lost’?
Ans : Satan means that though they have been lost in battle, but they still retain indomitable will. invincible courage and undying hatred for God and immortially.
Q. 42. What is described as “happy realms of light’? What contrast is suggested here?
Ans: Heaven is described as happy realms of light? A contrast with hell, dark and dismal is implied.
do to take revenge on God? Ans : Satan proposes to take revenge on God by fighting God
Q. 43. What does Satan propose
either by
force or by guile. They will not submit to the supremacy of God. 44. How do you know that Satan has regrets for the loss of heaven? : Satan describes heaven as’ happy realms of light’. He calls the hell as seat of desolation. Moreover, he vaunts about his invincible courage and unconquerable spirit, but at the sametime, he is rocked with deep despair.
Q. Ans
Q. 45. Why does Milton call his poem “Adventurous song”?
Milton calls his poem ‘adventurous’ because he proposes to compose a poem, not attempted in prose and verse His poem would be
Ans :
superior to the poems written by classical poets like Homer . Q. 46. What united the rebel angels once with Satan? What has joined them now with him?
Ans: Mutual friendship, common thoughts and plans and same hope and hazard (danger) united them when they fought against God. Now, misery and ruin have united them together.
Q. 47. What united the rebel angels once with Satan? What has joined them now with him?
Ans: Mutual friendship, common thoughts and plans and same hope and hazard (danger) united them together.
Q. 48. “O prince O chief of many throned powers”. Who is the speaker? To whom are the words addressed? What is meant by “throned powers”?
Ans : Satan speaks these words to Beelzebub. “Fallen Cherub’ are the higher angels who have fallen from heaven to hell.
Satan means that the very thought that they are weaker than God would make them miserable.
Q. 49. How is it that the Satan and Beelzebub who were bound in adamantine chains shifted to the land ?
Ans: Satan and Beelzebub could shift to the land by the will and permission of God. ‘Adamantantine’ used to symbolise the hard permanent chain of mental tortures. Fire is the symbol of eternal to sufferings.
Q. 50. How does Satan adjust himself to the tortures of hell? Ans:
Satan adjusted himself to the tortures of hell by the thought that mind can transcend the external circumstances. It can joys out of unfavourable circumstances and sorrows out of favourable circumstances.
Q. 51. ‘Better to reign in hell than server in heaven. “Who is the speaker”?
Satan is the Speaker. He means that slavery is hateful everywhere He wants to rule even in hell. Satan is ambitious and desires leadership. However any honest man aspires after heavenly bliss. Q. 52 How are the multitude of fallen angels compared ? Ans:
Ans : The numerous fallen angels lying on the burning lake are compared to fallen leaves in Autumn that choke the stream in Vallombrose a valley 18 miles away from Florence in Italy). Where “‘Eturian shades” trees of Florence) rise high and from bowers. Q. 53. How is the spear of Satan described?
Ans: Satan’s spear is compared to the huge and strong mast on the principal ship of the admiral. This mast is made of the hard wood hewn in the forest of Norway
Q. 55.
Q. 54. Ans: How does Satan inspire the fallen angels in his first speech to them? Satan at first ridicules them for lying low in the lake of fire. He then gives them a call to rise and fight or be forever fallen.
How did the angels respond to the clarion call of Satan? The angels rise up and spread out their banners, shields and spears at the signal given by their Commander-in chief(Satan). Who are the Sojourners of Goshen? What is Parademontam? Why it is built? Who was the architect of Pandemiam? What is called ‘precious bane’? What does it mean? What is meant by
Q. 56. How is satan described when he assumes the command of the rebel angels ?
Ans: Satan is described as an arch angel, a tower and the sun whose lustre has been dimmed by the eclipse.
Q. 57.
Ans: . Goshen was the name of a country situated on the eastern side of the river Nile. The Israelites originally settled there and lived for 430 years. But the Egyptians drove them out.
Q. 58.
Ans: Q. 59. Parademontam is the council chamber where the chief angels will meet and confer about the plan of action against God. How is Pandemontam built?
Ans: Pandemontam is built many gorgeous towered buildings in heaven for the residences of chief angels was the architect of Pandemoniam. He fell with other angels.
Q. 60.
Mulciber who built many gorgeous towered buildings in heaven for the residences of chief angels was the architect of Pandemoniam. He fell with other angels. Ans :
Who helped the collection of Gold for the building of Pandemoniam? Mammon, the barest of the fallen angels helped the collection of gold and formation of golden bars, which were utilised for the building of Pandemoniam. Q. 61. Ans:
Q. 62.
Gold is called the precious bane. Gold is very valuable but it is a curse to those who posess it. Amassing of gold becomes a passion and it leads to many evils. Ans:
To which historical architecture does Milton compare the Pandemoniam and what is his opinion? Q. 63.
Milton observes that compared with the gorgeous architectural temple of Babylon( tower of Babel) and pyramid of Egypt, Pandemoniam looks superior in art and grandeur. Ammiral? Ans:
Q. 64.
The word is derived from Arabic word ‘Amir’. Milton uses it in the sense of the principal ship of a fleet or the commander who sailed in it.
Q. 65. Give two Biblical references in Paradise Lost Book I? Ans: One Biblical reference is to God who sat dove-like on the abyss and made it pregnant.
Another Biblical reference is to the mother of Mankind who transgressed the will of God. Creation of Paradise and the new race (Adam and Eve) is another Biblical reference.
Q. 65. Give two mythological references in the Poem, Paradise Lost Ans: One mythological reference is to the Titans and Jove’s war on the Titans. with all his Another mythological reference is to Charleman peerage fell by Fontarabbia. “’There is a reference to Ionian gods of Ionian gods of Javans issue.
Q. 66. What makes Satan think of waging war against God “with more successful hope”?
Ans: Satan thinks of waging war against God with more successful hope because their dire defeat has made them conscious of the secrets of God’s strength and secondly, by the experience of war they have had greater foresight. Moreover, they are immortals and their strength is undiminished.
Q. 67. Why does Satan think that God will not drive them out of hell ? Ans: Hell is a dark and dismal place and nobody will envy it. So God will not drive Satan and his followers from the place. Satan acknowledges the supreme power of God.
Q. 68.How has Milton reduced the stature of Satan? Ans
: Satan is described in paradise Lost Book I as a great leader with undaunted spirit. But Milton reduced the moral stature of Satan by making him stoop to girle and fraud as his weapon of fight weapon of fight against God.
Q. 69 Ans.
. What would be the result of Satan’s ‘reiterated crimes’? For the dark design of the Satan, the inevitable result is quoted by Milton in the following lines:
And high permission of all-ruling Heaven/ Left him at large to his own dark designs,/That with reiterated crimes he might/ Heap on himself damnation, while he sought [ 215 ]/ Evil to others, and enrag’d might see/ How all his malice serv’d but to bring forth/ Infinite goodness, grace and mercy shewn/ On Man by him seduc’t, but on himself/ Treble confusion, wrath and vengeance pour’d.
Q. Ans
70. Who is the Tuscan artist ? In what connection is he mentioned? : Galileo was the Tuscan (Italian) artist who discovered the lands and oceans on the moon. He is mentioned when the shield of Satan is compared to the Moon.
Q. 71. What happened to Satan after his fall? Ans. After Satan was shut out of heaven, with those who fell with him,
Book I.
Q. 72. he realized that he had lost all the purity and glory of heaven forever. Then he repented and wished to be reinstated again in heaven. He was willing to take his proper place, or any place that might be assigned him. But no, heaven must not be placed in jeopardy. All heaven might be marred should he be taken back; for sin originated with him, and the seeds of rebellion were within him. Satan had obtained followers, those who sympathized with him in his rebellion. He and his followers repented, wept and implored to be taken back into the favor of God. But no, their sin, their hate, their envy and jealousy, had been so great that God could not blot it out. It must remain to receive its final punishment. Who is Briareos or Typhon?
Ans. Lines 195-208) allude to the classics. For instance, the reference to Titan recalls the war of the Titans with the gods of Olympia. Briareos helped to defeat his brother Titans; the reference to Typhon is found in Hesiod’s story in which Typhoeus is a most frightening Earth-born monster whom Zeus hurled back from Olympus. Ovid’s described him as having been buried alive under Aetna and nearby mountains. Further, the allusion to Leviathan has several references, many scholars believe that it is nearest to the Isaiah’s prophecy that the Lord
…shall punish Leviathan, the piercing serpent…that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. What does Satan consider ‘low indeed’?
What is Satan’s first reaction upon seeing Beelzbub? Satan looks around bewildered; apparently he’s just fallen from Heaven and hasn’t quite adjusted to his new surroundings. It’s hot, and there’s a weird “darkness visible” all around.He notices his first mate, Beelzebub. Satan addresses Beelzebub, saying he doesn’t look like the friend he knew in Heaven (apparently, the fallen angels have also undergone a change in appearance as well as location). Q. 73. Ans.
Q. 74. Ans
In line.157 of Paradise Lost Book-1 Satan considered it to be “low indeed” to ask for God’s forgiveness (1.114). Through the character of Satan Milton actually dignifies the false God in Satan but in other point of view, Satan’s consideration is a testimonial for selfdignity which should be on in evry man. .
Q. 75
“… blotted out and rased / By their rebellion from the Books of Life.” Who are “blotted out and rased”? What are the ‘Books of Life’? The names of the fallen angels along with Satan and Belzebub are “blotted out and rased”. . –
The Book of Life is seen from the perspective of everyone having their names written there from the beginning of creation. It is theorized that because the plan of God was for eternal life to be for
all people, that when the wicked rebel in life, they ultimately have their names blotted out. If a person never calls upon the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, the theory is that this person’s name will be blotted out of the Book of Life.
Q. 76. What does Milton say about Mamnon in Book-1?
Ans. Mammon is the engineer of Pandemonium, the miner who finds the ore for the golden budding. He is “the least erected spirit that fell” (I, 679), because his mind is on money. Belzeebub?
Q. 77. Who is
Ans. Beelzebub is presented to us as the second-in-command of Satan. He is the very first fallen angel to come to after the shock of being expelled from heaven and sent down to the fiery land of hell. His value and significance in the epic is linked to the character of Satan. As the first to join Satan’s rebellion in heaven, it seems only fitting that he is the second-in-command, and the first of the fallen angels to form an audience for Satan’s musings on his new identity and home after his failure to conquer God.
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