Lamb by William Blake PDF
1.From what volumes of Blake’s poetry are ‘The Lamb ‘and ‘The Tyger ‘taken.?
The Lamb is taken from Blake’s poetical work Songs of Innocence, that was engraved first in 1789. The Tyger belongs to the volume of poems, Songs of Experience, engraved first in 1794.
2. To what creatures are ‘The Lamb’ and ‘The Tyger’ addressed and by whom?
The Lamb is addressed to a lamb by a child. The Tyger is no address to any creature. This is rather an expression of a child’s wonder and awe at the sight of the tiger and of the majesty of its Creator.
3. What does the child ask the lamb? Does he give the answer? If so, what is this?
The child’s question is very simple. Does the lamb know who has created it, given it life and sustenence and offered to it protection and a tender voice?
The child knows the answer which the lamb does not. God has created and provided it with all. Of course, the child does not name ‘God’, but implies Him as the Creator.
4. Who does, according to the child, call Himself a lamb and why?
God, the omnipotent Creator, calls Himself a lamb. This has a Biblical reference, relating to His simple pasturing. The child also conceives God as meek and mild as the lamb.
5. What does the child invoke?
The child invokes repeatedly God’s blessing for the lamb.
Little Lamb, God bless thee!
Little Lamb, God bless thee!
6. In what way does the child find himself one with the lamb?
The child is little, mild and tender, just as the lamb is. Here he is like the lamb. Moreover, the child perceives the oneness of God with the little lamb and himself.
7. What features of the tiger do strike the child?
The tiger’s brightly burning eyes in the darkness of the forest and robust, fearful features strike the child.
8. “What immortal hand or eye ……….. “
Whose immortal hand or eye is referred to here? What is the child’s attitude to the same?
The Creator’s immortal hand or eye is here referred to. The child is struck with
wonder and fear, as he perceives His might and majesty in the creation of the tiger and presumes the strength of His mighty hands and steadiness of His firm feet.
9. Wherefrom, according to the child, was the fire of the tiger’s eyes procured by the Creator?
Impressed immensely by the brightly burning fire of the tiger’s eyes, the child romantically visualises that might have been procured by the Creator from the depth of the distant sea or from the far-off region of the sky. He also fancies that the Creator must have a daring flight to reach the spot and stout hands to catch and bring the fire for the use in the tiger’s eyes.
10. What does the child fancy of the beginning of the beating of the tiger’s heart?
The child fancies that, with great strength and skill, the Creator could twist the entire nerve-system and pushed it into the tiger’s physical frame. Very soon its heart began to throb. He also wonders at His power and steadiness to control the newly created creature.
11. What are, according to the child, the tools, used by the Creator in the making of the tiger’s brain?
The child imagines the familiar tools used by the Creator in the making of the tiger’s brain. Those included the hammer, the chain and the furnace. Such tools are, perhaps, very homely to him and seen in an iron-smith’s shop.
12. How did the stars behave after the completion of the tiger’s creation?
The creation of the fierce, dreadful tiger caused a sensation. In the child’s imagination even the astronomical world was struck with terror. He fancies that the star might shake and shed tears and then fled away in fear.
13. What two questions the child raise after the creation of the tiger?
These are the two questions raised by the child-the Creator’s own reaction at the sight of his dreadful creation of the tiger and the contradiction implied in the creation of two entirely contrary creatures-the lamb and the tiger-by the same Creator.
15. In what way can the creation of the God be justified?
The lamb is meek and mild. But the tiger is fierce and wild. Yet, strangly enough, both these contrary creatures have come from the same majestic Creator. The tigeris ferocious and dreadful and naturally the propriety of its creation may well be questioned. Still this creation is justified on the ground of variety. After all, variety is always the sign of immensity in creation. The creation of the tiger, by the side of the lamb, is definitely indicative of the Creator’s potency and that is the strong justification of the creation of the tiger.
16. why is the 1st stanza of the poem repeated at the end?
The opening stanza of the poem The Tyger is repeated at the conclusion of the poem. There is, of course, one change. The word ‘dare’ is found to replace ‘could’, This repetition serves to emphasize the theme and to give the poem a song-like quality,
17. “Gave thee clothing of delight/softest clothing, wooly, bright”. What is being described here?
The clothing of delight, “Softest clothing, wooly, bright” refers to the comfortable flece that grows on the body of the lamb. This is actually an implication of God’s kind and loving attitude that provides an adequate protection even to His little creatures.
18. Where is the tyger ‘burning bright’? What may the place symbolize?
The tyger is buring bringht in the dense deep forest in the darkness of the night. This dark place is used to symbolize evil which a force, like the tyger, is needed to dispel.
19. Explain the reasons why ‘The Tyger’ consists entirely of questions.
The poem is full of interrogations to indiacte the child’s awe and wonder about the tiger. He has not the least idea of the fierceness and dreadfulness of that big creature. Natureally, he puts questions to ascertion what this is.
20. Quote four words from Blake’s ‘The Tyger’ that suggest the image of a blacksmith.
The following four words are suggestive enough of the image of a blacksmithhammer, chain, furnace and anvil.
Lamb by William Blake PDF Lamb by William Blake PDF Lamb by William Blake PDF Lamb by William Blake PDF
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