FATHER’S HELP QUESTIONS ANSWERS :The questions-answers of Father’s Help are given below will be very helpful for MADYAMIK students.
1.How did Swaminathan want to avoid going to school?
Answer:- To avoid going to school Swaminathan started to wail, showing a false pretext of a headache.
2.What suggestion came from Swami’s mother?

Answer:- Swami’s caring mother suggested that Swami should not go to school. Rather, he should stay at home and take a rest.
3.What did swami’s father advise him to get rid of a headache?
Answer:- To get rid of a headache, Swami’s father ironically advised him to loaf about less on Sundays.
4.How was the relationship between Samuel and the Headmaster, according to Swami?
Answer:- According to Swami, as Samuel is ferocious by nature, the Headmaster used to get frightened with Samuel.
5.When and why did Swami shudder?
Answer:- On Monday morning, lying in bed, Swami got shuddered. He felt so with fear thinking about going to school which was purgatory to him.
6.When and how did Swami change his tactics?
Answer:- Swami’s father was a very strict person. He wanted that Swami should not avoid going to school. He did not want to listen to his excuses. Then Swami changed his tactics and said that he could not go to school as he was already late.
7.How did Swami describe Samuel, the class teacher?
Answer:- According to swami’s description, Samuel was a very angry Teacher. He was especially angry with those boys who came into the class. Even the headmaster used to get frightened with him.
8.What did Swami fail to decide about Samuel?
Answer:- Swami failed to make up his mind whether Samuel really deserved the allegations made against him by Swami.
9.How did Samuel look?
Answer:- Samuel had a dark face, thin moustache, unshaven cheek, and put on a yellow coat.
10.Why did swami’s conscience bother him?
Answer:- Swami’s conscience started bothering him as he was not at all sure if his description of Samuel to his father had been accurate or not.
11.How did Swami recall Samuel’s appearance?
Answer:- Swami remorsefully remembered Samuel’s dark face, his thin moustache, unshaven cheek, and his yellow coat.
12.Why did Swami think himself to be the worst boy on earth?

Answer:-Swami thought himself to be the worst boy on the earth because of his false description created by himself about Samuel to his father. He felt so as his conscience started disturbing him.
13.How did Father’s attitude take an unexpected turn?

Answer:- All of a sudden, Father’s attitude took an unexpected turn as he was very strict about Swami’s going to school. He proposed to send a long letter putting in an envelope with Swami to the headmaster.
14.What was Swami’s actual assessment of Samuel?
Answer:- Stopping on the roadside Swami started thinking that Samuel was not such a bad man. Personally, he was much more friendly with him than the other teachers.
15.” Samuel looked impressed”.- What made Samuel so impressed?
Answer:- When Swami said that his father forbade him to miss school, Samuel was very impressed with the mentally of Swami’s father.
16.What did Swami’s father do, snatching away the letter from him?

Answer:- After snatching away the letter, Swami’s father tore it up angrily.
17.Why did Swami decide to deliver the letter at the end of the day?

Answer:- Swami decided to deliver the letter at the end of the day because there was a chance for Samuel to do something during the course of the day to justify the letter and make himself prove wrong about the allegations made against him.
18.Why did Samuel want more parents like Swami’s father?
Answer:- Swami’s father was such a parent that he didn’t tolerate students missing school unnecessarily. This proved how much value and importance he had for education. So Samuel wanted more such parents like Samuel’s father.
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****passing away of bapu link:https://www.brojendasenglish.com/the-passing-away-of-bapu-questions-answers-madhyamik-2021/
*** The remaining questions answers will be available on my YouTube channel absolutely free of cost.
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[NOTE : Please go to playlist section on my YouTube Channel, there you will find English Honours all questions answers (Marks- 2, Marks-5,Marks-10) and analysis, summary,introduction etc for 1st Sem 2nd sem, 3rd sem, 4th sem, 5th sem, and 6th sem. Tere, all notes are available]
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Your presentation in youtube channel is awesome. I am following you. The answers from “Father’s Help “are very important. The answer to the question – Why did Swami want to deliver the letter?, is very unique.