Appropriate preposition, A list of appropriate preposition

 Appropriate preposition



Abhorrence of (ঘৃণা) : I have an abhorrence of gambling .

Abide by (মেনে চলা) : You should abide by the rules of the club.

Abide with, at (সঙ্গে থাকা, বাস করা) : O God, abide with me!/I wish to abide at your place for a week.

Abound with (the container) (প্রচুর পরিমাণে ): The Sunderbans abound with tigers and crocodiles.

Abound in (the contained)(প্রচুর পরিমাণে থাকা) : Tiger and crocodiles abound in the Sunderbans.

Abreast of, with (তাল মিলিয়ে চলা) : I try to keep abreast of (or, with) the recent political events of the world.

Absent from অনুপ: He was absent from school on account of illness.

Absolve (one) from (blame), of (sin) (মুক্ত করা): The priest absolved him of sin.

Absorb in(নিবিষ্ট থাকা) : The monk was absorbed in meditation.

Abstain from(বিরত থাকা) : The doctor advised him to abstain from smoking.

Acceed to (রাজি হওয়া): My friend did not acceed to my request.

Access to(প্রবেশাধিকার) : Outsiders have no access to the principal of the college.

Accommodate (oneself) to (circumstances) (মানিয়ে নেওয়া): You must accommodate yourself to the changed circumstances.

Accompanied by (সঙ্গী হওয়া): Rama was accompanied by Sita and Lakshmana.

Accompanied with (একসঙ্গে ঘটা): He has been suffering from influenza accompanied with diarrhoea.

Accomplished in(নিপুন) : Hemanta Mukherjee was accomplished in music.

According to(অনুসারে) : According to Newton’s law of motion, every action has its equal and opposite reaction.

Account for (কারণ দেখানাে): How will you account for your failure in the examination?

Accrue to, from (উদ্ভূত হওয়া): It is expected that much profit will accrue to the shareholders from this scheme.

Accuse of(অভিযুক্ত) : My neighbour was accused of dacoity.

Accustomed to(অভ্যস্ত) : She is not accustomed to such a hard life.

Acquainted with(পরিচিত) : I am acquainted with your friend.

Acquit (one) of : The judge acquitted him of any guilt.

Add to (): What will you get if you add 5 to 7?

Addicted to (): Your friend is addicted to drug.

Adept in (): My daughter is adept in dance.

Adequate to (): This amount will be adequate to your wants.

Adhere to wasto (): A man of character adheres to his principle.

Adjacent to (): Your school is adjacent to my house.

Adjourned to (): The meeting was adjourned to next Wednesday.

Adjourned for (): The meeting was adjourned for ten days.

Admit of (স্বীকৃতি দেওয়া): Your misconduct admits of no excuse.

Admit to (): He was admitted to class IX.

Advantage of, over (): He took advantage of my simplicity to deceive me. He gained advantage over me in the competition.

Advantageous to (): The new building rules will be advantageous to the people of Agartala.

Adverse to (): I did nothing adverse to your interests.

Affection for (): Every mother has affection for her child.

Afflicted with (): Most of the villagers are afflicted with influenza.

Afraid of (): I am not afraid of ghosts.

Agree with, to, on (): I agree with you on this point. I agree to your proposal.

Ahead of (): Japan is far ahead of India in the sphere of science and technology.

Aim at (লক্ষ্য নির্দিষ্ট করা): India aims at much greater progress in science and technology.

Akin to (): Charles Lamb’s humour is akin to pity.

Alarmed at (ofpo): We were alarmed at the news of earthquake in Gujrat.

Alien to (FOTO, Galatia): Fear is alien to my nature.

Alliance with (fqui): The United States has formed an alliance with Great Britain.

Allot to (fara pal): This plot of land was allotted to me by the Government of Tripura.

Allude to (পরােক্ষভাবে উল্লেখ করা): He often alludes to the stories of the Ramayana.

Alternate with (): Darkness alternates with light.

Alternative to (FT): This answer is alternative to that.

Amazed at (): I was amazed at her poor performance in the Delhi Asiad.

Ambition for (): I have no ambition for political power.

Ambitious of (): I am not ambitious of political power.

Amenable to (): You should be amenable to law.

Amount to (): The hotel bill amounted to five hundred rupees.

Amused at (কৌতুকবােধ করা): I felt amused at the tricks of the monkey.

Analogous to, with (): His temperament is analogous (to) with mine.

Angry with, for, at (): The teacher was angry with the student for his misconduct. He was angry at my failure.

Annex to (): Texas was annexed to the United States nearly 150 years ago.

Annoyed with (): I was annoyed with him for his repeated insult.

Answer to, for (সাড়া দেওয়া, কৈফিয়ত দেওয়া): You should answer to the roll-call. The servant had to answer for his misconduct to his master.

Answerable to (): We are all answerable to God for our deeds.

Antidote for, to, against (): There is no antidote to (or, for, or, against) this poison.

Antipathy to (): I have an antipathy to drinking alcohol.

Anxious about, for, at (): I am very anxious about the result of my daughter. She is very anxious for the gold medal. How anxious he is at your non-arrival!

Anxiety for (): The old mother is in great anxiety for her ailing daughter.

Apathy toward (): He had great apathy toward music.

Apologise to, for (): I apologised to my friend for what I had done.

Appeal to, for (): We appealed to the Chief Minister for help to the floodaffected people.

Appetite for (): The patient has no appetite for food.

Applicable to (): This rule is not applicable to your case.

Apply to (): She applied to the Principal for the post.

Appoint to (নিযুক্ত হওয়া): My friend was appointed to the post of Headmaster.

Apprehensive of (): I am apprehensive of an imminent danger.

Apprised of (): She apprised me of the event.

Appropriate to (): Your speech was appropriate to the occasion.

Approve of (): The Municipality did not approve of the building plan.

Aptitude for (): My daughter has aptitude for music.

Argue with (তর্কবিতর্ক করা): It is no use of arguing with you.

Argue for, against (): The Minister argued for (or, against) the bill.

Arrive at (): The train arrived at the Howrah Station on time. They could not arrive at a conclusion.

Ashamed of (লজ্জিত হওয়া): Yoy should be ashamed of your misconduct.

Ask (a thing) of (a person) (): I asked of a loan from him.

Ask (a person) for (a thing) (): I asked Suman for an amount of rupees five thousand.

Aspire after, to (): I do not aspire to (or, after) the post of librarian.

Assent to (): The President has not yet given his assent to the bill.

Associated with (): Why were you associated with the criminals?

Assure of (): You assured me of your help in my need.

Astonished at (): The teacher was astonished at the failure of his favourite student.

Atone for (): You have committed the sin; so, you must atone for it.

Attach to (সংযুক্ত করা): She attached the testimonials to his application.

Attacked by, with (): I was attacked by some dacoits last night. My friend has been attacked with malaria.

Attend to, upon (): You should attend to your teacher. The nurse attended upon the patient all the night.

Authority on, over (): Professor Sen is an authority on Botany. The teacher has moral authority over his students.

Avail (oneself) of (something) (): You should not avail yourself of any illegal opportunity.

Averse to (): We should not be averse to hard work.

Aware of (): I am aware of my duty.

Bar to (): His age was a bar to his applying for the post.

Bare of : During winter many trees become bare of leaves.

Based on fore: Whatever you say in a court of law should be based on facts.

Beg (a thing) of (a person) : I begged this favour of him.

Beg () for (something) (): I begged him for this favour.

Believe in (): I believe in God Who is all kindness.

Belong to (): This pen belongs to me.


Beneficial to (): Morning walk is beneficial to health.

Bent on (): He is bent on studying law.

Bequeath to (): He bequeathed all his properties to his daughter.

Bereft of (): The old lady lives a lonely life as she is bereft of children.

Beset with (): He is beset with problems.

Bestow upon (): God has bestowed upon him a rare poetic talent.

Beware of (): Beware of pickpockets.

Blessed with (): God has blessed
him with one daughter and one son.

Blind of, in, to (দৃষ্টিশক্তি অধ/দোষের প্রতি অন্ধ):
He is blind of (or, in) an eye. The father is blind to the faults of his son.

Boast of (): Do not boast of your men, money and youth.

Born of, in (): Tagore was born of a noble family. He was born in poverty.

Borrow from (): I borrowed a book from the library.

Bound for (): The ship is bound for Mumbai.

Burdened with (): The teacher is burdened with a heavy work-load.

Brood on (or, over) (): Do not brood over (or, on) your misfortune.

Burst into, out (কান্নায় ভেঙে পড়া/ফেটে পড়া): The old mother burst into tears when she heard of the death of her husband. The child burst out in laughter.

Busy with, about, at (): He is busy with his lessons. He is busy about nothing. The clerk is busy at the desk.

Callous to (): The master is callous to
the suffering of his servant.

Capable of (): A Japanese woman is
capable of hard work.

Capacity for (যােগ্যতা/দক্ষতা): A Japanese woman has capacity for hard work.

Care of (): You should take care of
your health.

Care for any (): I do not care for you.

Careful of, about (): You should be careful of (or, about) your health.

Careless of, about (): You should not be careless of (or, about) your health.

Catch at (): A drowning man catches at a straw.

Cater to (জোগান দেওয়া): This hospital will cater to the needs of the local people.

Caution (v.) against (): I cautioned him against pickpockets.

Caution (n.) against (): Take proper caution against cholera.

Certain of (): He is certain of the truth of this information.

Charge with, of (): He was charged with (of) theft.

Charge of (): A charge of theft was brought against him.

Cling to (): You should cling to your principle.

Close to : Your school is close to my house.

Clothed in (বস্ত্র পরিহিত): She was clothed in blue.

Clue to (): The police could not find out any clue to the murder.

Coincide with (): My idea coincides with yours.

Beneficial to (): Morning walk is beneficial to health.

Bent on (): He is bent on studying law.

Bequeath to (): He bequeathed all his properties to his daughter.

Bereft of (): The old lady lives a lonely life as she is bereft of children.

Beset with (): He is beset with problems.

Bestow upon (): God has bestowed upon him a rare poetic talent.

Beware of (): Beware of pickpockets.

Blessed with (): God has blessed
him with one daughter and one son.

Blind of, in, to (দৃষ্টিশক্তি অধ/দোষের প্রতি অন্ধ):
He is blind of (or, in) an eye. The father is blind to the faults of his son.

Boast of (): Do not boast of your men, money and youth.

Born of, in (): Tagore was born of a noble family. He was born in poverty.

Borrow from (): I borrowed a book from the library.

Bound for (): The ship is bound for Mumbai.

Burdened with (): The teacher is burdened with a heavy work-load.

Brood on (or, over) (): Do not brood over (or, on) your misfortune.

Burst into, out (কান্নায় ভেঙে পড়া/ফেটে পড়া): The old mother burst into tears when she heard of the death of her husband. The child burst out in laughter.

Busy with, about, at (): He is busy with his lessons. He is busy about nothing. The clerk is busy at the desk.

Callous to (): The master is callous to
the suffering of his servant.

Capable of (): A Japanese woman is
capable of hard work.

Capacity for (যােগ্যতা/দক্ষতা): A Japanese woman has capacity for hard work.

Care of (): You should take care of
your health.

Care for any (): I do not care for you.

Careful of, about (): You should be careful of (or, about) your health.

Careless of, about (): You should not be careless of (or, about) your health.

Catch at (): A drowning man catches at a straw.

Cater to (জোগান দেওয়া): This hospital will cater to the needs of the local people.

Caution (v.) against (): I cautioned him against pickpockets.

Caution (n.) against (): Take proper caution against cholera.

Certain of (): He is certain of the truth of this information.

Charge with, of (): He was charged with (of) theft.

Charge of (): A charge of theft was brought against him.

Cling to (): You should cling to your principle.

Close to : Your school is close to my house.

Clothed in (বস্ত্র পরিহিত): She was clothed in blue.

Clue to (): The police could not find out any clue to the murder.

Coincide with (): My idea coincides with yours.

Commence on (): The examination will commence on February

Communicate with, on, to (): I know how to communicate with my students. The information was communicated to the SDO. I shall try to communicate with you on the subject.

Compare with, to (): Compare Sita with Savitri. Fire is often compared to anger.

Compatible with (): The remuneration of the Manager should be compatible with his official status.

Compensate for (ক্ষতিপূরণ দেওয়া); The Government will compensate you for your loss.

Competent for (): I don’t think you are competent for the post of Headmaster.

Compete with, for (): I shall compete with her for the first prize.

Complain to, against (): He complained to the police against the antisocial activities in the locality.

Comply with (): I requested her to comply with my request.

Composed of (গঠিত হওয়া): Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.

Conceive of (): I cannot conceive of such stupid idea.

Concentrate on, upon (): In his speech, he concentrated on (or upon) two major points.

Concerned with, at(): I am not concerned with this matter. I am concerned at your poor performance in the examination.

Concur with, on (): I cannot concur with you on this point.

Condole tuith, on (দুঃখে সহানুভূতি পালনে): She condoled with me on my loss.

Conducive to (): Morning walk is conducive to health.

Confer with, about, on (): He conferred with me about the matter. The Principal conferred the prize on the meritorious student.

Confess to (): I confess to my weakness.

Confide in, to (বিশ্বাস করা, গােপনে বলা): How can you confide in his honesty? You can as well confide your secret to me?

Conform to, aith (পালন করা, মিল হওয়া): You should conform to the rules and regulations of the club. Your opinion does not conform with mine.

Confident of (): My son is confident of success.

Congenial to (): Morning walk is congenial to health.

Congratulate on (): I congratulated Sourav Ganguly on his success.

Connive at (লক্ষ না-করা): The old father connived at the faults of his son.

Conscious of (): I am concious of my duty to my old father.

Confined to (): She has been confined to bed for a week.

Consent to (): I gave them my consent to preside over the meeting. She did not consent to my proposal.

Consist of, in (গঠিত হওয়া, নিহিত থাকা): My family consists of five members. Happiness consists in contentment.

Conspicuous by (দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণকারী): The youngest member was conspicuous by absence.

Consult with, on, about (): I shall consult with the lawyer about the matter.

Contemporary of, with (): Your father was a contemporary of mine. Your father was contemporary with me.

Contented with (): I am contented with all that I have.

Contrast with, between (): Contrast Akbar with Aurangzeb. There is a sharp contrast between the sisters.

meer Contempt for, of (): Gandhiji had contempt for violence. He was guilty of contempt of the court.

Contribute to (): Contribute your humble mite to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund.

Contribution to (): Gandhiji’s contribution to the freedom movement of India is great indeed.

Control over, of (): You must control over (or, of) your senses.

Conversant with (): He is well conversant with all the rules of the club.

anverted to into a Converted (পরিবর্তিত হওয়া): She was converted to Hinduism. The simple sentence was converted into a complex one.

* Convict of (অভিযুক্ত): My neighbour was convicted of theft.

VIDEO Convince of (বিশ্বাস সৃষ্টি করা): I am not yet convinced of your sincerity. Delen

Co-opereative with (): You should be cooperative with them in his endeavour.

Cope with (): I cannot cope with the situation.

Count upon (): In my distress I count upon you.

Crave for (): The poet craves for fame.

Cure for (): There is no cure for

Cure (one) of (something) (OCSISTONO posti): He was cured of the disease by that treatment.


Dawn on (): An idea dawned on me.

Deal in, with (ব্যাবসা করা; ব্যবহার করা): My uncle deals in rice. The shopkeeper deals well with his customers.

Debar from (): The student was 915 debarred from appearing the examination.

Decide upon (): I have not yet decided upon my plan of action.

Deficient in (): The student is deficient in English.

Demand from, of, for (): He demanded the subscription from (or, of) me. There is a great demand for this product.

Depend on (): I cannot depend on a liar like you.

Deprive of (): The Zamindar deprived the poor peasants of their rights.

Derive from (): I derived a moral lesson from the life of Sree Ramakrishna.

Desire for, of (): I have no desire for (or,
of) fame.

D Desirous of (): I am not desirous of fame.

Despair of (): Do not despair of failure
in life.

D Desist from (): You must desist from reaching the goal.

Destitute of (): He has become
destitute of all his landed properties.

D Detrimental to (): Over-exercise is
detrimental to health.

D Deviate from (): One should not
deviate from the path of truth.

Devoid of (): He is devoid of common

Devote to (): I devote an hour to swimming daily.

Die of, by, from, for (): He died of cholera. She died by poison. He died from overwork. Many Patriots died for the freedom of India.

Differ with, from, on (): I differ with you on this point. My view differs from yours.

Different from(): His philosophy is different from mine.

Disgusted with, at (): I am thoroughly disgusted with him at his conduct.

Dislike for (): I have a strong dislike for that naughty boy.

Dispense with (): The master dispensed with the services of his servant.

Displeased with, at (): I was displeased with her at her misbehaviour.

Dispose of (): I shall dispose of all my furniture.

Dissuade from (): I could not dissuade him from appearing at the examination.

Distingusih from, between (): Speech distinguishes human beings from the animals. It is very difficult for a child to distinguish between good and evil.

Doubt about, of (): I have no doubt about (or, of ) his honesty.

Due to (): All the credit is due to him.

Dwell upon, in (আলােচনা করা, বসবাস করা): Prof. Roy dwells upon astronomy. My grandmother dwells in this house.

Duty to (): You must do your duty
old parents.

Eager for, about (): The young poet is
eager for fame. I am eager about the result of my daughter.

Eligible for (): Only graduates are eligible for the post.

Embark on, at ( ): The members of the club embarked on a drive for blood donation. They embarked at Chennai for Mumbai on (or, in) the ship.

Encroach on (অনধিকার প্রবেশ করা): You should not encroach on the rights of your neighbour.

End in (): Greed must end in sorrow.

Endowed with (): Milton was endowed with a rare poetic talent.

Engaged in, to (): The scientist was engaged in his research. My sister is engaged to this young engineer.

Engrossed in (সম্পূর্ণরূপে নিমগ্ন); Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose was deeply engrossed in his research.

Entitled to (): I am entitled to an increment in my salary.

Entrust with, to (বিশ্বাস করা, ন্যস্ত করা): He was entrusted with the official documents. I entrusted the official documents to him.

Envious of (): I am not envious of your success.

Equal to (): He is equal to the task.

Equivalent to (): One pound is equivalent to seventy eight rupees in Indian currency.

Escape from (): Nobody can escape from death.

Essential to (): Water is essntial for our survival.

Excel in (চমৎকার দক্ষতা দেখানাে): My aunt excels in dancing.

Exception to (): There is no exception to this rule.

Excuse for (): Do not give excuse for your late attendance.

Exempt from (অব্যাহতি দেওয়া): He was exempted from paying the fine.

Expert in, at (): He is an expert in painting. She is an expert at the harmonium.

Faith in (): I have faith in God.

Faithful to (): The dog is faithful to its master.

Familiar with, to (): I am familiar with your sister. Her face is familiar to me.

Feed on, with (): The cow feeds on grass. Feed the cat with milk.

Fit for (): You are not physically fit for military service.

Feel for, in (): I feel you in your distress.

Fond of (): I am fond of music.

Foreign to (): Ingratitude is foreign to my nature.

Fraught with (): The adventure is fraught with danger.

Free from, of (): On August 15, 1947, India became free from the British rule. He gave me this book free of cost.

Frown on, at (): Fortune frowned on me. The Giant frowned at the children who were making a noise.

Full of (): The glass is full of water.

Filled with (): The pot is filled with milk.


Glad of, at (): am glad of your cooperation. I am really glad at your success.

Good for, at (): You are good for nothing. He is good at mathematics.

Grateful to (): I am grateful to you for your help.

Grumble at (): It is of no use to grumble at him.

Guard from, against (): You guarded me from the attack of the antisocials. The teacher asked me to guard against spelling mistakes.

Guilty of (): The judge found him guilty of theft.

Hanker after (লালায়িত হওয়া): Do not hanker
after money.

Hatred of, for (): I have no hatred for the leper. Gandhiji had hatred of falsehood.

Heed to (): Pay heed to what your teacher says.

Heedless of any (): He carried on his business, heedless of the result.

Hinder from (): My mother hindered me from going to the theatre.

Hint at (): She hinted at your intention,

Hope of, for (): She has no hope of recovery from the disease. Let us hope for a bright tomorrow.

Hopeful of (): He is hopeful of success.


Identical with (): Your philosophy is identical with mine.

Ignorant of (): am ignorant of what happened there.

Ill of, with (): My mother is ill of fever. My mother is ill with fever.

Immune from, to, against (): We have become immune from (or, against, or, to) pollution.

Impart to( ): My teacher imparts moral lessons to me.

Implicated in (): He is implicated in the murder.

Incapable of (): She is incapable of hard work.

Incentive to (): The bonus will be an incentive to the labourers to work more sincerely.

Inclination to, for (): My son has an inclination to (or, for) study.

Incompatible with (): Violence is incompatible with my temperament.

Incongruous with (): These good old
furniture are incongruous with my newlybuilt house.

Indebted to (ঋণী থাকা): I am indebted to you for your help in my distress.

Independent of (): My son, a physician, is now independent of my financial assistance.

Indifferent to (): Why are you indifferent to the education of your daughter?

Indulge in (): Do not indulge in gambling

Indignant at, with (): She was indignant with me. She was indignant at what I said.

Infer from (সিদ্ধান্তে আসা): Why do you infer from his statement?

Inferior to (): This cloth is inferior to that.

Infested with (): The Sunderbans are infested with tigers and crocodiles.

Inflict on (): A heavy fine was inflicted on him for his offence.

Influence with, over, on (): He has no influence over (or, with) me. The teachings of Vivekananda exercised a great influence on the mind of Nivedita

against (a person), of (a thing): He informed the police against you. He informed the police (or about) of the matter.

Injurious to (): Over-eating is injurious to health. Innocent of (farsa197) In the High Court the boy was found innocent of the charge.

Inquire of, about, into (): He inquired of me about the state of my health. The police will inquire into the case.

Insist on (): He insisted on doing the work.

Inspire with (): My teacher inspired me with patriotism.

Intent on (): We intent on freeing our country from the foreign rule.

Interest in (): I have interest in music.

Interested in (): She is interested in music.

Invite to (): She invited me to dinner.

Involved in (): My father was involved in debt.

Irrelevant to (): The point is irrelevant to the topic of discussion.

Irrespective of (): Vivekananda loved people irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

Pleased with, at (সন্তূষ্ট): I am pleased with him. I am pleased at your sincerity of purpose.

Play at, on, with (খেলা করা, বাজানো): He is playing at cards. He is playing on a harmonium. Do not play with fire.

Plead with (ওকালতি করা ): She pleaded with the king for justice.

Plunge into (নিমজ্জিত হওয়া): The swimmer plunged into the lake and swam for an hour.

Point out, at, to (বিশেষ দিক দেখিয়ে দেওয়া, তাক Posti): My teacher pointed out the mistakes in my essay. The dacoit pointed his pistol at me. His speech pointed to the defects in the education policy of the government.

Polite in, to (বিনীয় মার্জিত):He is polite in his manners. He is polite to his guests.

Ponder on, over (ভাবনা চিন্তা করা): I asked my son to ponder on (or, over) my advice.

Popular with, for (জনপ্রিয়): Netaji was popular for his patriotism. This movie is popular with people from my mother’s generation.

Possessed by (or, with) (আবিষ্ট আক্রান্ত ): You are possessed with (or, by) an absurd idea. Her neighbours believe that the girl is possessed with (or, by) the devil.

Precaution against (সতর্কতা): Take proper precaution against cholera.

Prefer to (পছন্দ করা): I prefer death to dishonour.

Preferable to (বেশি পছন্দের): Death is preferable to dishonour.

Pride (গার্বিত হওয়া ): He prides himself on his wealth.

Prior to (পূর্বে): Prior to his settlement in Delhi, he lived in Chennai.

Proceed with, from, againstagainst (এগানো, নালিশ করা): Heproceeded with his work without looking behind. Light and heat proceed from the sun. I shall proceed against you if you encroach upon my land.

Proficient in (দক্ষ): Dr Sen is proficient in English.

Prohibit from (নিষেধ করা): Outsiders are prohibited from entering into the palace.

Proof against, of (প্রতিরােধক, প্রমাণ): She is proof against temptation. There is no proof of his involvement in the murder.

Profit by ( লাভ বান হওয়া): We shall profit by your valuable advice.

Prone to (প্রবনতা থাকা ): Gujrat is prone to earthquake.

Protect from (রক্ষা করা): Who will protect you from the danger?

Provide against, for, with আগে থেকে ব্যবস্থা করা, সরবরাহ করা): You should prooide against evil days. You should provide for the education of your children. The headmaster provided to poor children with text books.

Proud of (গার্বিত): We are proud of Netaji.

Quest for, of (অন্বেষণ ): His quest for knowledge was unending. He tried hard in quest of a job.

Quick at (চটপট): He is quick at figures, Quarrel over, with (Pols Posit): The four sons of the peasant were quarrelling with one another. Why are you quarrelling over a trifle?


Ready for, at (প্রস্তুত): My guest was ready fo departure. He is ready at figures. We are ready for the journey.

4 Reason (n.) for (কারন): There is no reason for mistake.

Reason (v.) with (যুক্তি দেওয়া): It is no use reasoning with a fool like you.

Rebel against (বিদ্রোহ করা ): The people rebelled against the king.

Reconciled to, with (মেনে নেওয়া, মিলিয়ে নেওয়া): The bereaved mother reconciled herself to her lot. Reconcile your statement with the statement of the bank.

Recover from (আরোগ্যলাভ করা): He has not yet recovered from his illness.

Reduced to (পর্যবাসিত করা ): Once a rich man, he is now reduced to a beggar.

Recourse to (অবলম্বন): He had recourse to dishonesty.

Refer to (পর্যালোচনার জন্য পাঠানো): The has been referred to the Manager of the bank.

Refrain from (বিরত করা): You should refrain from gambling.

Regard for (শ্রদ্ধা): I have profound regard for case my teacher.

In regard to (বিষয়ে): In regard to your promotion in service, I have a lot to say.

Rejoice at, in (আনন্দ করা): I rejoiced at (or, in) his success more than you.

Related to (সম্পর্কিত): She is related to my friend.

Relevant to (প্রাসঙ্গিক): The philosophy of Tagore is relevant to our society.

Relieve of, from (স্বস্তি): This ointment will, I am sure, relieve you from (or, of) pain.

Rely on (নির্ভর করা): How can I rely on a liar
like you?

Remedy for (প্রতিকার): There is no remedy
for cancer.

Remind of (স্মরণ করিয়ে দেওয়া): The librarian reminded you of the book you borrowed from the library.

Remote from (দূরে, প্রত্যন্ত): She lives in village five miles remote from the station.





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