The prologue by anne bradstreet short questions
Q. 1. What was Anne Bradstreet’s purpose to write the poem Prologue.
Ans. Prologues are written by the poets to introduce their work to the reader. Bradstreet wrotge the poem Prologue to introduceher quarternions -set of four interrelated poems-The Four Elements, The Four Humors and The Four Monarchies.
Q. 2. …For my mean pen are too superior things – What is the source of this line? What does the speaker mean?
Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
Here the poetess opens the poem with a list of the usual subjects of heroic and epic poetry that the set of poems that this Prologue introduces will not address. Bradstreet starts the poem by saying she is not going to write about noble events, wars, captains or kings, or matters of great significance because she considers herself not skilful enough. She goes on to say that the poems of noble and significant matters will be written by men.
Q. 3. …Great Bartas’ sugar’d lines do but read o’er – Who is Bartas? What does the speaker mean here?
Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
Here Gullaume de Salluste Du Bartas was a French poet
who wrote an epic poem on Christian history called La Sepmaine; ou, Creation du monde (1578). Bradstreet’s admiration for Du Bartas in this line enacts both humilty and ambition.
Q. 4. …But simple I according to my skill – What is the source of this line? Bring out the meaning of the word ‘simple here?
Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet. Here the word ‘simple’ means artless or lacking ornamentation in its current day usage.
Q. 5. …From School-boy’s tongue no Rhet’ric we expect – What is the source of this line? What is meant by the speaker here?
Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
Rhetoric, or the art of using language effectively, was a part of the training that school boys received in the Romantic classroom; the idea that it needs to be taught and learnt before, it can be expected.
Q. 6 …Nor yet a sweet Consort from broken- What is the source of this line? What is meant by the word ‘Consort’ here?
Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
The word ‘Consort is used in the sense of a harmonious partnership.
7. …And this to mend, also, no Art is able- What is the source of this line? What is meant by the speaker?
Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
Bradstreet’s choice of adjectives to denigrate her Muse could indicate a transference of the criticism that women poets, including Bradstreet, faced. Her self-denigration should not blind us to the lofty poetic lineage that she is drawing from Du Bartas and Sidney.
8…Nor can 1, like that fluent sweet-tongued Greek Who lisp’d at first, in future times speak plain-
What is the source of this line? Who is referred to as “sweet-tongued Greek?
Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
Here ‘sweet-tongued Greek’ refers to Demosthenes, a notable Greek orator, who was particularly well known for his use of rhetoric; he had a speech impediment that he trained himself to overcome. Bradstreet posits physical defects as a lot less challenging than the supposed defect of mental weakness or disability, that women were led to believe to be suffering in comparison to men.
Q. 9. …I am obnoxious to each carping tongue-What is meant in this line? Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
The word ‘obnoxious’ derives from the Latin word noxa which means liable to hurt or injury. The cause of injury is in the carping or overly critical and censorious views of those that thnk women are better suited to housework than to scholarly activities like writing epic poetry.
Q. 10. …And poesy made Calliope’s own child?- What is the source of this line? Who is Calliope?
Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
Calliope is the Muse of epic poetry. She carries a writing tablet as her emblem.
Q. 11. … Let Greeks be Greeks, and Women what they are- What is the source of this line? What does the line mean?
Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
The line along with the following stanza set up the interlinked web of points te idea of
literary heritage of the Greeks, Women and Men. It to unequal expectations and the unfair privilege of men over women.
Q. 12. …Men have precedency and still excel- What is the source of this line? What is meant by ‘precedency’?
Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
Here the word ‘precedency’ means superiority or pre-eminence.
Q. 13. … Yet grant some small acknowledgement of ours- What is the source of this line? What is meant by this line?
Ans. from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
This line is Here, Bradstreet tells mento look outside the cloak of their own greatness and see if they can find it in their hearts to grant even a small acknowledgement where clearly more is desereved.
Q. 14. …And of ye high flown quills that soar the skies- What is the source of this lirie? What is meant by this line?
Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
This is an example of an exquisite poetic utterance where she turns a figure of speech around the idae of lofty poetry flying like birds, since quills are made of feather, and snatching praise like hunted prey.
Q. 15. …Give me thyme or Parsley wreath, I ask no Bays- What is the source of this line? What is meant by this line?
Ans. This line is from the poem Prologue by Anne Bradstreet.
When Bradstreet seeks thyme and parsley instead of bay, shhe cleverly turns around what one might mistake to be a step down in the recognition that she will settle for.
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