The Intrusion by Shashi Deshpande questions and answers marks 2

The Intrusion by Shashi Deshpande questions and answers marks 2

Short Questions with Answers

1. We looked blatantly out of place there.-What is the source of the line? Who are ‘we’? Why did they look ‘blatantly out of place there”?

The referred line is the opening line of the short story “The Intrusion” by Sashi Deshpande.

The newly married woman protagonist and her husband are called ‘we’ here.

The hesitant and reluntant mood of the woman protagonist to behave accordingly like a wife to her husband has made the newly married couple look ‘blatantly out of place there’, where they have come for honeymoon.

2. Give examples that prove that the place where the newly married couple had come for honeymoon was a fishing village?

Ans. Men in checked Jungis sitting at fishing nets, drying fish laid out in rows on poles, women with bold faces and gold ornaments – all these are the signs of a fishing village.

3. And then we reached the end of the lane, turned right, and there, suddenly, enchantingly, was the sea in front of us-Who is the speaker? Describe the scene the speaker saw ‘in front of us’.

Ans. The speaker is the newly married woman in the short story

“The Intrusion” by Shashi Deshpande. When the newly married couple reached the end of the lane, turned right, and there, suddenly, enchantingly, was the sea in front of them, immense and fascinating. The speaker saw again rows of fish hung up to dry, looking at the couple and at the blue of the sky with sightless, accusing eyes.

4. ‘We’re almost there,’ -Who is the speaker? Whom does the speaker say this? What is hinted as ‘there’?

5. The speaker is the husband of the woman protagonist and the narrator of the story “The Intrusion” by Shashi Deshpande. He says this to his wife, the narrator of the story, The hilltop where the hotel for staying for the couple is situated, is hinted here by ‘there’Some Gems of Indian Writing In English

Q. 5. We’re almost there,’ -Who is the speaker? Whom does tha speaker say this? Describe the place hinted as ‘there’?

Ans. The speaker is the husband of the woman protagonist and the

narrator of the story “The Intrusion” by Shashi Deshpande. He says this to his wife, the narrator of the story. The couple had left all the huts behind them. They went up a steep rocky path, lined by big boulders, and suddenly they were at the top. A square, squat building stared at them. Someone came forward to receive them and opened one of the rooms for them. She sank gratefully into a chair, easing her tired feet out of her slippers, too exhausted even to look around,

Q. 6. Describe the room where the newly married couple boarded?

Ans. The narrator, the newly married woman, introduces us with the room they had boarded. It had the usual dullness and impersonality of any room where people stay for a short time and go away, leaving no impress of themselves behind. Just a jumble of stale smells. Even, she sniffed secretly, a smell of bedbugs. The man flung open the windows and the breeze rushed in at the couple, destroying, at one stroke, all the smells.

Q. 7. Now I knew that my hunger for her sweets had something to do with the look on her face as well. – Who is the speaker? Whose face is referred to here?

Ans. The speaker is the newlymarried woman in the story “The Intrusion” by Shashi Deshpande.

In the strange room of the hotel with her husband, still a stranger to her, the woman longs to see the face of her motheralong with the sweets sent by her. Here her face refers to the mother’s face.

Q. 8. Through his glasses, his eyes had a sardonic gleam that frightened me.- Who is the speaker? What is the meaning of the word ‘sardonic’? Whose eyes are referred to here?

Ans. The speaker is the newlymarried woman in the story “The Intrusion” by Shashi Deshpande.

The meaning of the word ‘sardonic’ is ‘mocking’ or ‘sarcastic’. The eyes of the husband are referred to here.

9. I thought with a wistful pang of my own narrow bed at home – Who is the speaker? Describe the reminiscence of the speaker.

Ans. The speaker is the newlymarried woman in the story “The Intrusion” by Shashi Deshpande. She longed to get back to her narrow bed where she used to lie. Then She says that she thought with a wistful pang of her own narrow bed at home and of how she would lie on it, curled into a comfortable ball, reading into the late hours of the night. She felt a constriction in her throat, a longing for all the things she had left behind her forever: a melancholy that always assails one when away from home at this time, neither day nor night.

.10. We…we scarcely know each other’, I stammered at last. – Who is the speaker? Who does the speaker say this? What does person spoken to reply?

Ans. The speaker is the newlymarried woman in the story “The Intrusion” by Shashi Deshpande.

She says this to her husband as an excuse for her unusual behaviour to her husband.

The husband seemed stratled. He exclamed, “Know each other? What has that to do with it? Aren’t we married now? And how will we start getting to know each other if you put on such touch-me-nottish air?”


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