The Cat Summary by Andrew Barton Paterson
‘The Cat’ is a really funny story that any cat lover will appreciate and smile at. The text describes in minute details the daily activities of cats. The humorous narrative takes us into the world of cats and indicates to us that they may not be the gentle and timid creatures that we take them for.
Paterson’s prose is clear, distinct and easy to understand. Paterson not only has a great feeling for cats but he also senses how people relate to a cat and how a cat can manipulate the people in his life. ‘The Cat’ is not an example of great literary art. It is just a good entertainment that makes us see how one can try to understand the psychology of a mere animal like a cat.
There is no doubt that we cannot compare the level of intelligence of a human being with that of an animal. But again we have to keep in mind that sometimes we misjudge other animals as senseless, with no intelligence at all. There are some animals who are not only cunning but can also exploit human beings and sometimes befool us by their intelligence. The cat is one such animal and loves to live in human company.
The cat is ever eager to get hold of different types of food from our kitchens. They have their special love for milk and fish. But sometimes their behaviour is really the subject of our attention. For example, when they try to get food, they exploit our weaknesses. They know very well that when there is a guest at the table, he will be served with the best kind of food. So appealing to the guest, sometimes threatening him/her with its claw, it manages very well to get some food.
In the house, in the presence of human beings they are mostly meek, obedient and appealing. But when the cat is out and in company of other cats, it has other roles to play. Then it is the hunter; it becomes the grim fighter with extreme levels of physical fitness. Cats can also find recreation for themselves by passing some time idly. So, according to the author, the cat spends a more colourful life than most of us do.
The story maintains a simple but interesting theory that a cat’s life is much more ornamented than merely sleeping and eating. The story also probes deep into the cat’s mind or psychology. The plot of the story also changes from inside the house to outside. The story is basically realistic but the cat’s life is also romanticised. So the story is a beautiful nourishment for the reader’s mind, especially for the children. Here the title is justified.
The Cat Summary by Andrew Barton Paterson The Cat Summary by Andrew Barton Paterson The Cat Summary by Andrew Barton Paterson The Cat Summary by Andrew Barton Paterson The Cat Summary by Andrew Barton Paterson The Cat Summary by Andrew Barton Paterson The Cat Summary by Andrew Barton Paterson