The Bus Questions and Answers
Short Essay Type Questions
Q. 1.Give a substance of the poem “The Bus”.
Ans. The Bus’ by Arun Kolatkar is the opening poem of the thirtyone section of his collection of poems ‘Jejuri.’It describes the bumpy ourney from the starting point to its destination which is the temple of Khandoba. It is a State Transfort bus the windows of which are screened by the tarpaulin with which the bus has been covred to keep the possible rainfall , and also to keep off the cold wind which keeps blowing throughout the journey. It is a night journey which the bus has undertaken ; and after several hours of the arduous journey the passengers start waiting eagerly for daybreak.
The bus is full of the pilgrims who are bound for the temple of Khandoba where they want to offer worship; and the passengers might have included a few tourists who merely want to satisfy their curiosity about what kind of a temple it is and in what surroundings the temple stands. One of the passengers sits opposite an old man wearing glasses; and this passenger , while looking at the old man, sees his reflection in both the glasses of the spectacles which the old man is wearing. This passenger can feel the onward movement of the bus. The old man wears on his forehead a mark indicating his Hindu faith and even the high caste to which he belongs. Among the passengers is the protagonist or the persona who speaks in the poem, describing his experiences and his reactions to what he sees at Jejuri.
‘In due course, the sun appears on the horizon , and quietly moves upwards in the sky. The sun’s rays, filtering through the gaps in the tarpaulin, fall upon the old man’s glasses. Then a ray of the sun falls upon the bus-driver’s night cheek. The bus seems to have changed its direction. It has been un uncomfortable journey, but, when the destination is reached , the passengers get down from the bus which had held them tightly in its grip.
2. Comment on the socio-grapical position surrounding the area of Jejuri.
Ans. The poem,’The Bus’ shows socio-graphical position surrounding area of Jejuri. In this poem, the poet describes the travelling by bus. It is a state Transport bus. The tarpaulin flaps are buttoned down on the windows, a cold wind moves the tarpaulin. The poet tries to search for sign of day break; he finds the reflection of the countryside on a pair of glasses on an old man’s nose. Arun Kolatkar writes.
You look down the roaring road.
What little light spills out of the bus?
Your own divided face in a pair of glasses
Is all the countryside you get to see
You seem to move continually forward
Towards a destination
‘The Bus’ is the opening poem and it established theme of exception, social atmosphere and quite alienation, the bus brings the pilgrims to Jejuri at the rainy dawn. The state transport bus, its flapping tarpaulin and whipping cold wind, are minutely described, the protagonist’s face reflects in spectacles of an old man. The old man is an authentic pilgrim with the caste mark and to worship Khandoba who is pure deity from people. But it is not real aim of the tourist; he wishes to beyond the externalities of religion. When he comes down to the destination by the bus, he does not step inside the old man’s head. That is, he is not able to share the world view of the old man.At the end of a bumpy rides With your own face on either side When you get off the bus
You don’t step inside the old man’s head “You don’t step inside the old man’s head”; this single line indicates that the poet’s attitude is very different from the old man so, it is the different from old generation and young “generation in modern society. The old man is religious devotee, but is not the central image the old man is used for the protagonist, alter ego or the other -self. The caste mark on the forehead reveals the old
belief the roaring road, is an example of the transferred epithet, its meaning is that the bus is roaring down the dark road. There is also an image of, sunbeam which indicates the rising sun. The phrase, bumpy ride shows the poor condition of road in Jejuri. The bus helps to set the style and the stance adopted by the protagonist while confronting an experience which demands an altogether different kind of sensibility. According to R.S Kimbhune “the entire poem reveals a lack of contemplative spade work that the material strongly demands”.
Q. 3. The tarpaulin flaps are on the windows of the state transport bus. all the way up to jejuri. Comment with reference to the context.
Ans. These are the opening lines of the poem “The Bus” by Arun Kolatkar.
The Bus’ by Arun Kolatkar is the opening poem of the thirtyone section of his collection of poems ‘Jejuri.’ It describes the bumpy journey from the starting point to its destination which is the temple of Khandoba. It is a State Transfort bus the windows of which are screened by the tarpaulin with which the bus has been covred to keep the possible rainfall , and also to keep off the cold wind which keeps blowing throughout the journey. It is a night journey which the bus has undertaken. It is a rainy dawn and it is typical of Indian buses to have only tarpaulin flaps instead of glass-shutters.
The windows of the bus are covered with tarpaulin. They symbolize the mental insulation and narrow-mindness of the pilgrims.Shirish Chindhade question,” Is it tarpaulin flap that precludes a penetration beyond the symbolic caste-mark? In traditional Hinduism metaphysical ignorance is said to pose a curtain between the devotee and the deity, the same way as the tarpaulin flap prevents glimpses of landscape outside the bus”
Q. 4. A cold wind keeps whipping and slapping a corner of tarpaulin your elbow.-Comment with reference to the context.
Ans. The referred lines are taken from the poem “The Bus” by Arun Kolatkar.
The Bus’ by Arun Kolatkar is the opening poem of the thirtyone section of his collection of poems ‘Jejuri. It describes the bumpy journey from the starting point to its destination which is the temple of Khandoba. It is a State Transfort bus the windows of which are screened by the tarpaulin with which the bus has been covred to keep the possible rainfall, and also to keep off the cold wind which keeps blowing throughout the journey. It is a night journey which the bus has undertaken. It is a rainy dawn and it is typical of Indian buses to have only tarpaulin flaps instead of glass-shutters.
It is a refers to the irksome experience of having to put up with the tarpaulin flaps beating at one’s elbow or even face. The cold wind which slaps the tarpaulin which in turn nudges the elbow of the pilgrims is symbolic of the reasons which try to attack the thick tarpaulin like beliefs of the pilgrims. The windows of the bus are covered with tarpaulin. They symbolize the mental insulation and narrow-mindness of the pilgrims.Shirish Chindhade question,” Is it tarpaulin flap that precludes a penetration beyond the symbolic castemark? In traditional Hinduism metaphysical ignorance is said to pose a curtain between the devotee and the deity, the same way as the tarpaulin flap prevents glimpses of landscape outside the bus”
The Bus Questions and Answers The Bus Questions and Answers The Bus Questions and Answers The Bus Questions and Answers The Bus Questions and Answers
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