Karma Questions and Answers
Ans. The English soldier named Jim struck on Sir Mohanlal’s face.
What was SirMohanlal’s profession?
Ans. Sir Mohanlal was a barrister by profession and he was also a
Whom did Sir Mohan meet in the compartment of the train?
Ans. Sir Mohan met none in the compartment of the train at first. But later two British soldiers named Bill and Jim entered to confront him.
How was Sir Mohan’s moustache?
Ans. The moustache of Sir Mohan was neatly trimmed.
What did Sir Mohan have in the buttonhole of his shirt ?
Ans. Sir Mohan had a carnation in the buttonhole of his shirt.
।) How much did Lachmi pay the coolie?
Ans. Lachmi paid a two-anna bit to the coolie.
What did Sir Mohan Lal’s mirror reveal?
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal’s mirror revealed the image of a perfectly anglicized gentleman.
In what language did Sir Mohan Lal speak?
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal spoke in chaste queen’s English mostly and sometimes he used anglicized Hindustani to fellow Indians.
10 What did Lachmi take out from the brass carrier?
Ans. Lachmi took out cramped chapattis and some mango pickle from her brass carrier.
11 Where did Sir Mohan Lal wait before the train ?
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal waited in the first class waiting room before the arrival of the train.
12 Who is the writer of the story ‘Karma’?
Ans. Khushwant Singh is the writer of the story ‘Karma’.
13 Where has the story ‘Karma’ been taken from?
Ans. The story ‘Karma’ has been taken from ‘Collected stories’ by Khushwant Singh.
In which year was the story ‘Karma’ published ?
Ans. The story ‘Karma’ was published in the year 1989.
।) How did Lachmito introduce the Coolie?
Ans. Lachmi introduce Sir Mohan referred to Sir Mohan as her master, a vizier and barrister.
16 What defects did Sir Mohan observe about the mirror in the waiting room ?
Mohan Lal observed that the red oxide at the back of the mirror came off at places and there were long translucent lines on its surface.
17 What did Sir Mohan Lal remark about the mirror in the waiting room?
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal remarked that the mirror was like everything else in India inefficient, dirty and indifferent.
18 Where was the mirror in the waiting room obviously made ?
Ans. The mirror in the waiting room was obviously made in India.
19 Which suit was worn by Sir Mohan Lal?
Ans. A suit from Saville Row was worn by Sir Mohan Lal.
20 What fragrances were coming out from Sir Mohan Lal’s body ?
Ans. The fragrances of eau de cologne, talcum powder and scented soap were coming out from the body of Sir Mohan.
21 What did Sir Mohan smooth for umpteenth time ?
Ans. Sir Mohan smoothed his Balliol tie for umpteenth time.
22 What did Sir Mohan decide after glancing at his watch in the waiting room?
Ans. After glancing at his watch Sir Mohan Lal decided that there was still time for a quick drink.
23 Whom did Sir Mohan Lal call for serving him ‘ek chota’ ?
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal called the bearer for serving him a small peg.
24 How was the bearer in ‘Karma’ dressed?
Ans. The bearer in ‘Karma’ was dressed in white livery.
25 Where was Lachmi sitting ?
Ans. Lachmi was sitting on a small grey trunk outside the waiting room.
26 What was Lachmi doing while she sat on the small grey trunk ?
Ans. Lachmi was chewing betel leaf and fanning herself with a newspaper.
27 What dress was worn by Lachmi ?
Ans. A dirty white saree with red border was worn by Lachmi.
What ornaments did Lachmi put on ?
Ans. Lachmi put on a diamond nose ring and several gold bangles.
Why did Lady Lal stop at the hawker’s stall in the platform ?
Ans. Lady Lal stopped at the hawker’s stall in the platform to replenish her betel leaf-case.
30 Whom did Lady Lal call after the bearer was summoned by Sir Mohan ?
Ans. After the bearer was summoned by Sir Mohan, Lady Lal called a passing railway coolie.
31 What did Lachmi ask the coolie ?
Ans. Lachmi asked the coolie if all the trains on those lines were very crowded.
32 Where, according to the coolie, does the zenana compartment stop ?
Ans. According to the coolie the zenana compartment stops right at the end of the platform.
33 Which compartment did Lachmi board ?
Ans. Lachmi boarded on the zenana inter-class compartment of the train.
34 Why did Lachmi go to the public tap?
Ans. Lachmi went to the public tap to rinse her mouth and wash her hands.
Why did Lady Lal avoid travelling first class compartment ?
Ans. Lady Lal avoided travelling in class as she did not know English and the manners of Englishmen with whom her husband used to converse during the journey.
36 Where did Sir Mohan and Lady Lal stay in their bungalow ?
Ans. Sir Mohan lived on the ground floor while Lady Lal resided on the upper storey of the bungalow.
37 What did Lady Lal produce from the knot in her saree before dismissing the coolie?
Ans. Lady Lal produced a two-anna bit from the knot of her saree before dismissing the coolie.
When did Sir Mohan occasionally visit Lachmi’s room in the upper storey of his bungalow ?
Ans. Sir Mohan visited Lachmi’s room in the bungalow at night.
39 Whom did Lachmi thank after a filling meal in the railway station ?
Ans. Lachmi thanked God for the favour of a filling meal in the railway station.
20 How did Lachmi dry her hand and mouth after meal ?
Ans. Lachmi dried her hand and mouth with the loose end of her saree.
Why didMohan expect that there might be some English officers on the train ?
Ans. Sir Mohan expected that there might be some English Officers on the train because the station was in a cantonment area.
What did Sir Mohan always wear while travelling ?
Ans. Sir Mohan always wore his Balliol tie while travelling.
43 Why was Sir Mohan dismayed when he reached the first class coupe ?
Ans. Sir Mohan was dismayed because he found that the compartment was empty.
44 What is ‘sang-froid?
Ans. ‘Sang-froid’ is the ability to keep calm in dangerous or difficult situations.
Whom did Sir Mohan see out of the window of the first class coupe ?
Ans. Sir Mohan saw the English soldiers named Bill and Jim out of the window of his first class coupe.
What did Sir Mohan decide when he saw the two English soldiers ?
Ans. When Sir Mohan saw the two English soldiers he decided to welcome them.
What class were the two English soldiers entitled to travel in ?
Ans. The two English soldiers were entitled to travel in the second class compartment.
Who informed Sir Mohan Lal about the arrival of the train ?
Ans. The bearer in white uniform informed Sir Mohan Lal about the arrival of the train.
How long did Sir Mohan Lal spend in abroad?
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal spent five years in abroad. 50 Describe Sir Mohan’s Cigarette case.
Where did Sir Mohan Lal learn and refine his English ?
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal learned and refined his English in the Oxford University.
With what did Sir Mohan try to draw the attention of his fellow English soldiers at first?
Ans. Sir Mohan tried to draw the attention of his fellow English soldiers with the Times, a newspaper.
What, according to Sir Mohan Lal never fails to draw the attention of the English men ?
Ans. According to Sir Mohan Lal whisky never fails to draw the attention of English men.
What were the names of the two English soldiers ?
Ans. The names of the two English soldiers were Bill and Jim.
What made Jim and Bill pause and hesitate for a moment?
Ans. Jim and Bill hesitated because the English intonation of Sir Mohan appeared to them almost like an Englishman.
56 When was Sir Mohan ‘livid with anger’?
Ans. Sir Mohan was livid with anger when the soldiers threw away his belongings.
How did Sir Mohan land on the platform ?
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal reeled backwards and after tripping on his bedding landed on his suitcase.
‘Get the nigger out –Who said this ?
Ans. Bill one of the two English soldiers said this.
What was the colour of the shirts worn by theEnglish soldiers ?
Ans. The colour of the shirts worn by the soldiers khaki. was
60 What was the cigarette case of Sir Mohan made of ?
Ans. The cigarette case of Sir Mohan Lal was made of gold.
Why were the two English soldiers walking unsteadily ?
Ans. The two English soldiers were walking unsteadily because they were drunk.
What did Sir Mohan see standing on the platform after being thrown off the train ?
Ans. Standing on the platform Sir Mohan saw the lighted windows of the train going past and at last the red tail light.
63 Why was Lachmi’s mouth bloated as the train was going past the platform ?
Ans. Lachmi’s mouth was bloated as she was storing the betel juice for spitting outside.
64 When did Lachmi spit the betel juice stored in her mouth ?
Ans. Lachmi spat the betel juice as soon as the train had cleared the station.
Who struck Mohan Lal on the face?
Ans. Jim, one of the two English soldiers struck Sir Mohan on the face.
When did the face of Sir Mohan Lal light up ?
Ans. The face of Sir Mohan Lal lit up when he saw the two soldiers approaching the compartment.
Long Answer Type / Descriptive Type Marks-5
1 Preposterous, preposterous !’ he shouted. – Who shouted and why? What was the result?
[1 + 1 + 3 = 5]
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal, a barrister shouted in rage. When the soldiers flung out his suitcase, thermos flask, briefcase and bedding on the platform, Sir Mohan lost his temper and shouted.
Sir Mohan Lal could no longer hold his anger. He said that he would have them arrested. The soldiers paused for a moment to hear Sir Mohan’s English with its Oxford accent. The soldier named Jim struck him on the face. As the train began to move, the soldiers caught Mohan by the arms and flung him on his bedding and he fell on the suitcase.
‘Sketch the character of Sir Mohan Lal.
Ar Sir Mohan Lal was by birth an Indian. By heart he adored Englishmen. He adopted English manners and perfected his English in Oxford University. He wore Saville Row suits and Balliol tie like aristrocratic Englishman. He liked to converse with Englishmen. But the most ridiculous trait of his character was that he hated Indians from the core of his heart and considered them inefficient, dirty and indifferent. His relationship with his typically Indian wife was strained. Though he had been successful as a barrister, he was hardly happy. He deserved what humiliation he had got for his adopted and false identity and belitting attitude to his motherland.
Give a brief description of the appearance of Lady Lal.
Ans. Lady Lal is a native Indian woman in her mid-forties. She is fat and fair-complexioned. She is typically Indian in her appearance and manners. In the railway station we find her wearing a dirty white saree with red border. Like most other Indian women she likes to wear ornaments. She has a glistering diamond nose-ring and several gold bangles in her arm. She obeyed her husband passively although she was not emotionally attached to her husband. Most of the time she chews betel leaves and often her cheeks appear bloated with betel leaves. For her squat short body she not very swift in her movements.
You are a bit of all right, old chap.’ — Who is the speaker? Who has been referred to as ‘old chap’? What picture of the person’s character here, spoken to is revealed in this line?
Ans. The speaker here is the mirror of the first class waiting room of the railway station where Sir Mohan Lal was waiting for the train. Sir Mohan Lal has been referred to as ‘old chap’ in this line.
Sir Mohan Lal was inspecting himself in the mirror of the waiting room. He was neatly dressed as an Englishman with his Saville Row suit, Balliol tie, carnation in the buttonhole. His moustache was neatly trimmed and the smell of eau de cologne, talcum powder and scented soap was coming out from his body. In a word, he was minutely particular about his dress and make-up. Since it is an imaginary speech of the mirror, it actually reveals the thought of Sir Mohan himself, who appears to be quite satisfied with himself and the line tells about his narcisstic character.
Bring out the significance of the title ‘Karma’.
Ans. Khuswant Singh’s story ‘Karma’ bears the title taken from Hindi or Sanskrit
language. ‘Karma’ is a shortened from of ‘karmaphala’ or ‘nemesis’. It means the outcome or the resultant effect of one’s own deed. The story describes an event in the life of anglicized Indian in Indian and was obsessed with the Englishmen and named Sir Mohan Lal, who used to hate everything their culture. In the end we find that Sir Mohan was humiliated by none other than two English soldiers. In and this way Sir Mohan Lal paid the price of his attitude obsession. So from the thematic view point the title is appropriate and its Indian connection adds a significance to the theme of Indianness upheld in the story.
6 How did Sir Mohan feel when he saw two Englishmen coming towards his coupe?
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal was very much eager to have the company of Englishmen during the train journey. This would help him to ruminate about his happy memories of England. But at first he felt dejected as the compartment he had entered was empty. So when he saw the two Englishmen approaching his compartment his face lit up. He knew that as ordinary soldiers they were entitled to travel only in a second class compartment but he decided to welcome them. He also planned to talk with the guard so that they could be allowed to travel in the first class coupe.
‘Are you travelling alone, sister’-Who said this and to whom? With whom was the person addressed as ‘sister’ travelling? Why did the travel in a separate compartment? [2+1+2=5
Ans. The coolie who carried the belongings of Lady Lal into the train said this to her.
The person addressed to as ‘ sister’ was Lady Lal. She was travelling with her anglicised husband Sir Mohan Lal whom she mentioned as her ‘master’. Sir Mohan Lal was fond of talking with Englishmen during the train journey as he had aversion to Indians and was quite accomplished in English language. On the other hand, Lady Lal was quite illiterate native woman who neither knew English language nor their manners. That was why she was travelling in inter-class zenana compartment while her husband was travelling in a first-class.
8 Sir Mohan was livid with rage’-Why was Sir Mohan livid with rage? What happended then?
[3 + 2 = 5]
Ans. Sir Mohan was eagerly waiting for Englishmen during his train journey. When he saw the two English soldiers his heart warmed up at the prospect of having their company. But the two drunken soldiers treated him in an insulting way by calling him ‘nigger’ and telling him to get out of the compartment. When they threw out his belongings like suitcase, thermo flask, briefcase, newspapers etc. into the platform, Sir Mohan was livid with rage.
After this Sir Mohan threatened to get them arrested and one of them slapped him on the face. Then they caught him by the arm and flung him into the platform as the train started moving.
Briefly describe the train of Sir Mohan Lal’s thought as he sat waiting alone in the first class compartment.
Ans. While waiting for the arrival of the train, Sir Mohan Lal lost himself in a train of thoughts. Firstly, he thought about how he would draw the attention of his fellow English passengers with the Times, or his Balliol tie or his English cigarettes. If all those failed he decided to ask for whisky to be served as he knew that whisky never failed with an Englishmen. He then recalled the fond memories of his five-year stay in England. He fondly remembered the grey uniforms of Oxford colleges, sports blazers, the tennis and rugby matches and rowing competitions. He felt nostalgic about nights Piccadilly and dinners in the inns of court.
10 What did Sir Mohan observe and tell about the mirror in the waiting room? What was the [3+2=5] mirror’s reply?
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal looked at himself in the mirror of the first class waiting room. He observed that the coating of red oxide at the back had come off at places and long opaque lines were visible on the glassy surface of the mirror. Sir Mohan thought that the mirror was typically inefficient, dirty and indifferent like all other things belonging to India.
The mirror made an imaginary reply to Sir Mohan’s observation and told that Sir Mohan with his Saville Row, suit with carnation, Balliol tie, aromas of eau de cologne and others was really an incarnation of perfection.
II What attitude about India and Indians are revealed by Sir Mohan in the story ‘Karma’?
Ans. The story ‘Karma’ starts with Sir Mohan’s observation of the mirror. He remarked that the mirror was typically inefficient, dirty and indifferent like everything in India. Later Sir Mohan felt nostalgic about his stay in England. Sir Mohan thought that the five years spent in England was much more worthwhile than thrity-five years of his life spent with his repulsive fellow countrymen and even his ill-smelling obese wife. Later, he found that his fellow Indians were loud and opinionated in their dealings with Englishmen.
12 Then I might as well get over the bother of eating.’— Who is the speaker? Where and how did the speaker get over the bother of eating? What did she do after finishing off the eating? [1 + 2 + 2 = 5]
Ans. The speaker here is that Lady Lal was waiting on the platform for the arrival she of the train. She came to know from the coolie I would get accommodation in the inter-class zenana compartment. Then she decided to complete her meal, She opened her brass tiffin carrier. Taking out a few cramped chapattis and mango pickle and she finished She went to the public taps for washing her hands and her meal. After taking her meal she belched loudly. mouth. She then dried her hands and mouth with the filling loose end of her saree. She thanked God for a meal.
13 Give a brief of description of Sir Mohan Lal’s appearance and English manners as revealed in the story ‘Karma’.
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal’s appearance has been described in detail in the mirror episode. Here we find him as a gentleman dressed in Saville Row suit with carnation in the buttonhole and Balliol tie. Mixed aroma of eau de cologne, talcum powder and scented soap is coming from his body. He has a moustache which is neatly trimmed. His manners remind one of a cultured aristocratic Englishman. He speaks English like an Englishman. He seldom speaks broken Hindustani in the intonation of the Sahibs. Like the Englishmen he is fond of whisky and ‘The Times’ newspaper.
Where did Lady Lal board in the train ? How did Sir Mohan Lal board the train in his
How turn?
[3 + 2 = 5]
Ans Lady Lal was having her meal when the arrival of the train was announced. She hurriedly finished her meal. After washing her hands and mouth, she heaved his bulky body into the compartment. She occupied her seat by the window. She began to chew betel leaves. She looked idly at the crowd in the platform. Sir Mohan Lal did not show any haste at the arrival of the train. He remained cool and composed. He went on sipping the glass of whisky till the bearer informed him about the installation of his luggage in the first class coupe. Then he reached the compartment with an affected gait. After entering the empty compartment started reading the already read ‘The Times’.
151 Lady Lal spat and sent a jet of red dribble flying across like a dart.’-Do you think that this line contains a hidden irony on the theme of the story? Give reason for your answer.
Ans. ‘Karma’ is a story on the theme of national identity. In the pre-independence India when India was under the British rule, a class of Indians who adored Englishmen and their culture and despised Indianness, emerged. Sir Mohan Lal is the representative of that upstart anglophile class. Her wife Lachmi with all her casual manners without European sophistication represents the average and native Indians. Spitting symbolises the expression of hatred, Lachmi’s spitting may have an ironical connotation at the humiliation of Sir Mohan Lal at the hands of none other than Englishmen.
‘Sir Mohan decided to welcome them,’-Who are referred to as ‘them’? How did the persons referred to as ‘them’ behave with Sir Mohan Lal? [2 + 3 = 5]
Ans. The word ‘them’ here refers to the two English soldiers named Jim and Bill. They entered into the firstclass compartment which Sir Mohan Lal was travelling in. The soldiers behaved very rudely with Sir Mohan. They called him ‘nigger’. They told him to vacate the compartment claiming that it was reserved for the army. They hesitated a little at the protest of Sir Mohan Lal in perfect English intonation. But soon they threw out Sir Mohan’s belongings. Sir Mohan threatened to get them arrested. Then one of them slapped him on the face and catching him by the arms they flung him into the platform.
17 How did of the English co-passengers during the train journey ?
Ans. Sir Mohan Lal had elaborate plans to indirectly draw the attention of his fellow English co-passengers. At first he tried to draw the attention by showing off the title page of ‘The Times’ newspaper, popular among the British. Then his Balliol tie might draw somebody’s
attention. In case they failed to notice these he would take out his gold cigarette case filled with English cigarettes. However, in case everything failed to draw the attention he was to call the bearer for whisky because he knew quite well that whisky never failed with the Englishmen.
18 What hints about the marital relationship between Sir Mohan and Lady Lal are given in the story ‘Karma’? Answer with instances from the text.
Ans. The events in the story ‘Karma’ takes place in the railway station. There is little scope of telling about the marital relationship in detail. Yet the writer has informed about the strained relationship of this childless couple. They live in different rooms in their bungalow. At night they meet for a few minutes. Sir Mohan has no time to spare for his lonely wife. He also shows his aversion to his wife as she is obese and smells of raw onion and sweat. Sir Mohan is a dominating husband and his wife has to follow his instructions passively and to his wife he is her ‘master’.
19 ‘Sir Mohan’s feet were glued to the earth and he lost his speech.’-Where was Sir Mohan ? What made him lose his speech? [1 + 4 = 5]
Ans. Sir Mohan was standing on the platform in a dazed condition after being thrown out the train by the soldiers.
Sir Mohan was travelling in the first-class coupe English soldiers. entered. when two English soldiers named Bill and Jim Though Sir Mohan wanted to welcome them. But the soldiers called him ‘nigger’ and ordered him to leave the compartment. After that they threw out all his one of them belongings. When Sir Mohan protested, slapped him and finally they flung him out of the compartment. This unexpected humiliation from the Englishmen whom he kept in highest esteem left him speechless.
20 Bring out the contrast between the characters of Sir Mohan Lal and Lady Lal.
Ans. The characters of Sir Mohan Lal and Lady Lal are drawn in sharp contrast with each other. Sir Mohan Lal was an anglophile who imitated Englishmen at every step of his life and followed their manners and culture in minute detail. He was dressed like aristocratic Englishmen with his Saville Row suit and Balliol tie. He speaks both English and Hindi as Englishmen. Lachmi, Lady Lal, on the otherhand was typically Indian with her dirty white red bordered saree, her ornaments and easy-going casual nature. Indeed, the character of Lady Lal has been created to emphasize the lack of Indianness in the character of Sir Mohan Lal.
Bill and Jim paused again.’-Who were Bill and Jim? What had they done before pausing ? Why did they pause? [1+2+2=5]
Ans. Bill and Jim were two English soldiers who entered into the first class coupe occupied by Sir Mohan Lal. Before pausing they forced into the compartment and called Sir Mohan a ‘nigger’. They ordered him to get out of the compartment. After that they threw away the suitcase, thermoflask, briefcase etc. of Sir Mohan Lal into the platform.
● When they flung out Sir Mohan’s things, Sir Mohan became angry and uttered ‘preposterous, preposterous’ in perfect English with Oxonian accent. Hearing his English pronunciation, Jim and Bill paused for a moment.
22 ‘With a sigh he sat down in a corner and opened the copy of The Times’ he had read several times before.’-Who is ‘he’? Why did he sigh ? When was his mood changed? [1 + 2 + 2 = 5]
Ans. He’ here refers to Sir Mohan Lal, the main character of Khuswant Singh’s story ‘Karma’. Sir Mohan Lal was very much eager to have the company of Englishmen during the train journey. He expected that he would meet some English Officers in the train as the station was situated in the cantonment area. But when he reached his first-class coupe he found the compartment empty. At this, he felt dejected and sighed.
Sir Mohan was looking at the crowd on the platform. When he found that two English soldiers with haversacks on their back approaching the compartment his face lit up at the prospect of having their company.
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