An Introduction Questions and Answers
Q. 1. I am Indian, very brown, born in Malabar“
I speak three languages, write in Two, dream in one.” (Lines: 4-6) Explain with reference to the context.
Ans. The referred lines are taken from the famous poem An Introduction by Kamala Das.
The poem “An Introduction” is cited as a powerful argument of an Indian writer who wants to write in the English language. This is because, when the Indian poets began to write in English, there were questions raised against their use of English as a medium of expression. Self-made critics felt that poets born and brought up in India are not in a position to express themselves clearly in the English language because English is not their native language.
Q. 2. “Why not let me speak in Any language I like?
The language I speak It is as human as I am human” (Lines: 9-14)
Explain with reference to the context.
Ans. The referred lines are taken from the famous poem An Introduction by Kamala Das.
Self-made critics felt that poets born and brought up in India are not in a position to express themselves clearly in the English language because English is not their native languageAn Introduction.
Kamala Das does not listen to them. In these lines the poet not asserts her right to speak any of the three languages but also has her choice to write in English. She does not like to be advised is matter by any guardians, friends, relatives or anybody. This vs that Kamala Das is a bold writer and she is not afraid of hing. She further tells that she seeks freedom while using Enbecause just like her mother tongue Malayalam, Ey glish is just her language.
Q. 3.”Is human speech, the speech of the mind that
Here and not there, a mind that sees and hears and Is aware.” (Lines: 18-20
Explain with reference to the context.
Ans. The referred lines are taken from the famous poem An Introon by Kamala Das.
Many of Kamala Das’ poems are famous for autobiographical ents. It is because she borrows her materials from her own life. ntroduction” is also a poem where the autobiographical strain ‘s attention of the serious readers. The poem throws light on rowth and development of the poet in her family. As she gradusecame older, her experiences led her to write poetry. As a child ved a happy life with all her family members but the paradise & ildhood was lost when she became a grown up girl and had to ne problems of life.
Q. 4.“I was child, and later they
Told me I grew, for I became tall Swelled and one or two places sprouted hair.” (Lines: 23-25) Explain with reference to the context.
Ans. The referred lines are taken from the famous poem An IntroKamala Das.
nala Das is a poet well known for her individuality and self Agration. The poem throws light on the growth and develophe poet in her family. As she gradually became older, her sled her to write poetry. As a child she lived a happy life.
Q. 5.Be Amy, or be Kamala. Or, be kamala
Still, be Madhavikutty. It is time to Chose a name, a role.” (Lines: 38-40)
Explain with reference to the context.
Ans. The referred lines are taken from the famous poem An Introduction by Kamala Das.
Kamala Das is fed up with traditional roles of a woman. She is not ready to resign herself to such traditional roles that will disregard her individuality. Instead she chooses the role of an ‘army’ and also asks the same from er fello women. In this way, Das has always challenged the traditional ideas and notions of society.on the one hand she is asserting her own identity, and on the other, she is attacking the domination of the male both in family and societv. Such a stand in her poetry adds to her uniqueness as a poet and to the richness of her poetry . The idea of choosing a role leads us to another theme in her poetry — the theme of womanhood.
An Introduction by Kamala Das Questions and Answers Marks 5 An Introduction by Kamala Das Questions and Answers Marks 5
Q. 5. “… Dress in sarees, be girl sole
Be wife, they said. Be embroiderer, be cook Be a quarreler with servants. Fit in, Oh Belong, cried the categorizers.” (Lines: 33-3)
.Ans. The referred lines are taken from the famous poem An IntroKamala Das.
Kamaal das is a poet well known for her individuality and self exploration. With honesty and candour she asserts her right to live like a true individual with a distinctive identity of her own. She does not want the traditional role of a housewife who is always busy with family matters. She raises her voice against the senseless traditions of patriarchy that would indict women as inferior and confined to domesticity.
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