A bard’s Epitaph Questions and Answers Pdf Download Marks 2
1. Who is the author of the poem ‘A Bard’s Epitaph’? To what country did the poet belong?
Robert Burns was the author of the poem ‘A Bard’s Epitaph’ .
He belonged to Scotland.
2. What is the sense of the title ‘A Bard’s Epitaph?
A bard means a roving or strolling poet. In Scotland of the time of Burns, such strolling poets, moving from place to place and singing, particularly in rural areas, were quite common. A bard is such a strolling poet of rural areas .
The epitaph means some words or expressions written or inscribed about a dead person, on his burial place or ground . Here the epitaph is inscribed about a dead bard.
3. “… a whim-inspired of fool.” -What is meant by the ‘whim-inspired fool’? Who was such a whim-inspired fool?
The whim-inspired fool is one who is rather whimsical and follows his own whims rather foolishly.
Here the ‘whim-inspied fool‘ is the bard of Burns’s A Bard’s Epitaph.
4. “…. this grass heap sing dool. And drap a tear” -Who addresses to whom and for what?
The poet addreses.
He addresses some passers-by.
His request to him is to stand by the side of the grassy burial ground by the dead bard, sing a song of woe and shed a drop of tear.
5. How did the bard’s song impress the local crowd?
The crowd of local rustics were charmed by the song of the bard. They were kept spell-bound by him and deeply stirred and moved by the bard’s song.
6. Why did the bard try to improve the local people?
The bard was friendly and helpful to other local people. He taught others how to steer their course clearly to reach their goal.
7. What drawbacks of the bard were mentioned in the poem?
The bard, though friendly and helpful to others, had faults in his own nature. He was too impulsive and rash. He turned his career as wild as the wave. Even he loosely indulged in thoughtess follies, whereby he stained his name.
8. What is the teaching of the poem to the readers?
The poem concludes with the poet’s teaching to his reader. This is how to learn wisdom to refrain from wrongs and stains. He reminds his reader of the need of prudent, caution and self-restraint to make life happy and successful.
9. Bring out the sense of the words given below : (a) blate (b) snool (c) dool (d) drap (e) frater-feeling (f) heave a sigh Sense :
(a) modest (b) shrink back (c) sorrowful (d) drop (e) brotherly feeling (1) breath a deep sigh of grief.
10. When and how was Burns’s poem ‘A Bard’s Epitaph’published?
Burns’s poem ‘A Bards Epitaph’ forms the concluding poem of his collection of poems in the Kilmarnock Edition, published in 1786.